Refund declined

I think you should wait until after the season ends to see if Blizzard improves and fixes the game. Give it a chance. Filing a charge back will not help if Blizzard declined to refund you, but a complaint to the FTC may help. Let’s see if the Blizzard D4 Team and Management actually fix and improve this game and at least deliver a genuine, working game as they advertised vs the buggy, broken beta game (Diablo IV) that just got nerfed badly. Many red flags with this game and Blizzard. We shall see how this disaster plays out.

I’m just hoping Blizzard does the right thing for all players. Because at this point the game and the Blizzard D4 Team’s actions are just wrong and unacceptable, especially for a game that took 6 years to make, and this is the end result!? Unreal!

How many hours have you played so far OP?

Sounds like a blessing in disguise

Sol, any customer that has been mislead or sold an unfinished product or service can file a formal complaint with the FTC for starters. While I agree with how you feel about D4, if you really want to go there and escalate the matter, you can, but doing a charge back is not worth it.

However, I really think you should wait, and give the game (Diablo 4) a chance to be fixed and improved by Blizzard. I been a customer for over 18 years, and in all due fairness to Blizzard, one thing I have seen at Blizzard is that they eventually address the problems, which is why I am still a customer. But we are all allowed to vent about any issues and express ourselves when there are problems, but doing a charge back is a bit much. And yes, your Blizzard account would be affected as well. So just give Blizzard some time to address and hopefully fix the game, D4. I believe Blizzard will eventually come around and do the right thing.

Believe me, I am also not happy with Diablo IV at the moment, as are the majority of players, but a charge back is not the best way to go about it, Sol. That is up to you. I don’t recommend it. - As I said many times before, Blizzard can do better and at this point they have dropped the ball on D4 big time, and they need to fix and improve the game, sooner than later.

Actually alpha was better. I played it back in October. It was not the sht show it is now.


to be fair. furniture isnt worth a fraction of what anyone pays for it. and furniture salesmen are just reskined 1980s used car salesmen npcs. no sympath for them haveing to accept their own no hassle return policies. its all cheap garbage anyways.

Don’t forget Cosby suites. Barf

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It was a joke post if you couldn’t tell get your panties out a twist lol.
I got the game for free :blush:

Hows that boot taste, good?

You can’t even use proper grammar. It’s not “I rather” it’s “I’d Rather.” That is short for “I would rather.” Jesus Christ.

Getting a refund is a fantasy but… remembering this bull pucky and being very cautious with the next Blizzard game is something you can and should do.
These companies bank on the consumer forgetting

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if he is on pc, no dice there.

I want to remain positive. Gamestop will give him $5

That was clever. I saw a lot of simp responses when new world devs tried to ‘slow’ the game. It’s basic psychology that this will piss people off but I suppose a cuck likes that so do you boo. Speaking of enjoying things say hi to mom for me :shushing_face:

in monopoly money maybe

Your right gamestop will likely have a trade 2 for $20.

And they will charge $40 for labor

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D4 devs are clowns… so blind sighted to what their player base wants to improve their game… don’t even get me started on the shako bug for 1.04 patch, it seems like a inside job… here’s an idea why not buff certain builds instead of nerfing everything into the ground because it makes your player base feels like they’ve wasted their time farming hundreds of hours for those items to bring build online as intended for Diablo games… this game has been a shxt show so far absolute clown world… I miss the d2 days… bring back the team that ran diablo2 blizzard d4 team ain’t it

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i dunno, it seems plausible for somebody to only now just join the forums after the fiasco of the latest patch.

take me for example, i was around for all the betas, but have only been on here for 3.5 weeks.

I played for 200hrs and this game isnt worth my $70l!!!

You really stuck it to the man with this one orangsmotie. You’re basically like Tank man from Tiananmen Square. Such a hero, willing to put down your life for such a cause. Everyone here should praise you for this monumental occasion.