Refund declined

Blizzard needs to offer refunds for this travesty. I have played a beta test up until now and the game is now going backwards into alpha. Quality of life changes present in previous games in the series aren’t even in the pipeline yet, the dev team is flailing about with no direction and they can’t even add stash tabs. This game is not release worthy and should not be worthy of my money. Give us refunds.


Nah I rather they dont refund you. I rather they use your money to keep developing the game I am enjoying.


If your refund got declined try Paypal, but you have to provide alot of information of why you refund the game, point towards their forum and the patch notes how they are butchering the game and explain the outcry etc. Overflow them with information.


Make sure Diablo IV is the only game on your account too; if you force a refund through a credit card chargeback or Paypal, Blizz will ban your account.


Agree for the fact they stole what you legally have in the game, when i wake up and see my dmg cut in half for no obvious reason, i consider it a theft.
my weapon had 23% crt dmg, hrs later i see 10.5% crt dmg on it??? what the fffffffffffffffffffff??? i spent hrs to find it now it is gone why? why this did not happen first week of the game at least, why they did not notify us so we chill about it and not farm like crazy ???


and lose your bnet acc in the meantime

You are delusional, they use the money for c0c4ina and h03s, not for develeping the game


Lol! You think they spend money on development


and cookies for rod the big fat f


My rule of thumb is;

If it takes me longer to get the refund then it does to make the money I’m trying to get back at my job then it isn’t worth my time.


You just created this account about 10 minutes ago and this is your only post to date.

Either you blindly played the game through a minimum of 3 betas AND a month or so of live, without listening to or otherwise being exposed to a lick of feedback or news on this game, OR you are being, shall we say, “less than benign” with your true intent on posting here.


and unfortunately you clicked accept, atleast once before you played the game for the first time.

im fairly certain that somewhere in that document that you did not read, there is a clause saying that blizzard reserves the right to make any changes they want, to their game.

so while i get your sentiment, they have not stolen anything so thats not gonna hold up in court :wink:


If they did, you people would refund every patch and re-buy it a week later when you calmed down.

They doing you a favor not refunding.

the money got to the investor. 20 char

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More money to investors means more investing into the product.

With the direction things have gone with Blizz since 2008, this is becoming less and less of a concern.


investor want they money back and profit. more developer = less profit

Blizzards #1 selling game to Blizzards #1 refunded game.


request it through paypal

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HAhahahahahhAhAHAHHAHhAhAhahHAhahah. Another whinner owned.