Refund declined

can get a refund after 300+ hours played my guy

I deal with penny ante threats multiple times a day at work. These aren’t even up to that level.

Request the refund directly through PayPal, if you that’s what you used.

They have great customer service!

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LMAO - Ok… whatever you say. lol

You know what. Im actually on board now man. This really is a bait and switch.

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That won’t work for more than 2-4 weeks if your bank has even a semi-competent fraud department. The money will get debited again on a day you don’t even know it’s coming. The amount of people who think their provisional credit is permanent is also highly amusing.

They will ban any account that has ever used that payment source as well. They basically scorch earth charge backs. You can’t buy or register Blizzard products again and your accounts are burned.

Sometimes they don’t catch it right away, but then an update hits and you randomly get banned with the chargeback reason being in your email. It’s not a great option unless you know for sure you’re absolutely done with Blizzard.

To anyone reading you need to try for a refund and get the content locked till repurchased. That is the best way forward. Do not so a charge back unless you understand the consequences.

Shocking. Who would have expected they would decline a refund for a game you played for over a month.

What will happen next? Water will be wet and the sky will be blue.

The horrors.

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this is Stockholm syndrome folks, clear as day

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After a month and a half of daily playing this guy wants his money back HA HA HA good luck in life you are going to need it! You are like the guy who eats the entire meal except for the last bite then complains to try to get it for free!

These people are getting provisional credits and think they have won or beat the system. Many of them probably don’t even realize the money was debited back 3 weeks later after the bank contacted Blizzard (which they will) and found out they were full of crap.

i played for the first week and haven’t touched it since, the game is YUCKY!

Can you blame them? :rofl:

O, absolutely that could be. Blizz does get a chance to respond to the banks/paypal which people seem to forget.

D1 was fine D2 and D2r are good D3 pasted the time for a while. D4, nope. I would rather play EQ at this point.

This isn’t true… I still exist and can jump on heroes of the storm right now…

It’s the beginning this is the groundwork for a great game It’s had an awesome beginning and it’s only going to get better from here on out! No game is perfect on launch and there never will be one! But this one happens to be pretty good you can’t get mad at them for balancing things we ALL knew this was going to happen when people were 1shotting 100 Lilith! No idea why you all act so surprised.


Blizzard outright closed my claim and didn’t fight it via paypal…

instant refund

I work at a bank and I have seen business practices a 1000x more scummy than anything Blizzard has ever pulled get put back on the account because of technicalities. The bank is not keen on subsidizing your petulance. They’ll float it for 14-21 days to placate you, but unless it’s legit fraud, you are out of luck.

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i know youre probably a blizzard intern but you need to make it a little less obvious

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