Refund declined

how many hours have you played so far ?

To be fair, they didn’t say 5 good classes.

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You and the 5 other people left by the end of the month of this continues.

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Defective product/not as advertised. This was supposed to be something playable for extended periods of time based on the seasonal model, not broken after barely a month. They’ve also deprived people (intentionally or through neglect) of the fruits of their efforts beyond the “balance changes” that they are perfectly entitled to to make (I’m talking about the gear “rerolls”). This is, essentially, fraud.

Request your refund thru Blizzard and be denied, then contact your bank/PayPal and request a chargeback based on the above. Even if it’s ultimately unsuccessful, you will get a provisional credit, and Blizzard will be forced to address it.

Enough of these and they will get the picture. Complain on the forums all you want - nothing will change. Money talks and B.S. walks…

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i ask for a refund 3 time :-1:

longtime ago , 101 how to rob player with a 50% half bake game

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You’ve got to go thru your bank. No way Blizzard is giving anybody their money back voluntarily.

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lol…they are free to make changes at any time, including the power of your items (that aren’t legally yours btw).

what a legit insane argument. gotta be a troll

Why would they refund you anyways, the base game itself is fine as it is and you probably already invested well over 5 hours. You already got your money’s worth even if you disagree.

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No you are delusional. you dont deserve a refund. That is not how reality works.

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:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: SO TRUE, at this point i think most people are like :man_shrugging: and dont even care if they can get their money back lol. Useless company anyway, they dont do anything good by their playerbase/customers anymore. Look at ow2 and how crap it is now lol. I would still be playing if they didnt re-release the same game and monetize it lol.

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5 hour does not equal months of access based on their advertising of the nature of the product. By your logic they could turn the lights off the day after sale and nobody would be entitled to anything.

Also, regardless of what the TOS or EULA says, they aren’t allowed to commit fraud. Whether some of what they did is fraud is maybe arguable. Point is, for those looking for a remedy, this is the most effective way to do it. Don’t really care whether you agree with it being appropriate or not.

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If you’ve played the game this long then they deserve to keep your money.
They honor refunds if you request it in time, as most digital services do.

You’d probably eat an entire pizza then complain to the manager for another free pizza that you hated so much.

That is not how it works. They have a limit as to how long you can run an application to prevent people from buying a game, playing it and then refunding it. 2 hours or so, is generally after which refunds are no longer possible.

The game is playable, many have completed the campaign so you can’t even argue the fact that the game is broken. They also have every right to change things as they wish, because that is something you agree to when you guy a game.

Seasons and this idea of live service, is simply an addition to what you buy, which is why they have Season Passes, for players to continue supporting the development of the game.

It’s literally like taking a lollipop with a gum inside of it, sucking it and then wanting to return it, because you got to the center and it doesn’t taste like you expected it to. Nobody will take it back, you already enjoyed it.

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That’s actually a very good analogy. They sell you a lollipop that’s supposed to have cherry flavored gum inside. You get to the gum and it tastes like fudge. False advertising/fraud - you’re entitled to a refund. Doesn’t matter that you already ate part of the candy shell.

Anywho, already doing what I said I wouldn’t do. If you feel you’ve been duped/jipped, then this is your best shot at getting your money back, and even if you don’t, Blizzard will HAVE to deal with it. If they don’t, then you’ll get to keep your provisional credit.

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There are many flavours of cherry; black, sour, sweet. It’s your fault for not inquiring.

I said fudge, not some variety of cherry LOL.

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Your argument is like wanting to buy an ARPG and getting an FPS.

I was trying to work with your example with the cherry, namely that you still got cherry just not thr one you had hoped for, but you already ate the candy around it and now you want to return it.

However if it’s too difficult to fathom. You can use a car for testing too.

You get into a Toyota, you have 30 minutes to test drive. They won’t give you more, because it’s not for rent. You either buy or test. You also can’t claim that it should be a Ferrari because you know it’s a Toyota. 30 minutes are soon up, you either buy or leave. In terms of Diablo you either refund or continue playing. People who can’t refund anymore, decided to continue playing, which is like buying the car after the test drive, then complaining that it doesn’t run like a Ferrari. Well, you knew that and if not, it’s on the buyer for not inquiring more.

I would get a refund in a second if I could. Just dump this pile of turd. It may be worth giving up my Blizz account. I mean I dont expect them to make anything else I would purchase in the future…

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id hope theyd just ip ban.

imagine playing a game for 100s of hours, and then crying for a refund. thats absolutely ridiculous.


This isn’t as easy as people around here seem to think it is. Most banks don’t hand out chargebacks like candy.