Refund declined

In what world would any business do this? It’s like trying to get a refund on a meal after you’ve eaten it…

plays 70 hours of a game.

Wants a refund

This is like eating 70% of a pizza and asking for a refund because it’s bad.

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what school do you work for? I’d like to report you, idiot.

I’m in no way asking for a refund.

I mean, I got a lot of hours out of the game, so I can’t say I didn’t get some value out of the purchase. It wasn’t worth my money, but that’s my fault for buying into the hype.

I just wanted to to let anybody reading this thread and is considering asking for a chargeback or whatever that there’ll be repercussions.

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You’ve been playing the game for a month. You do not deserve a refund.

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Ferengi Rules of Acquisition:

  1. Once you have their money, you never give it back.