Reaching level 100 will take 150+ hours

Nope, I am not a attract massive amounts of aggro type of player. There is this thing called dying. I did that 10 or so times before killing the final boss in the dungeon with the Rogue class quest. Also, I am the older than primordial dirt player and I am just not that fast. So, 9 hours to 25 is about average for me. Although, I will admit that I did not try to figure out how to get a mount so…

Not quite. I have problems with hand tremors, finger pressure and wrist strength. Obviously, I am old, disabled or both. So, 9 hours for each playthrough is about right for me. Still, my kids, etc. are able to eliminate cutscenes, etc. and get through content faster.

Not to be mean but you are well below the average player. Your times shouldn’t be used for any type of metric regarding the average player. It took me under 4 hours, with no mount because you couldn’t get them. I am also not the youngest anymore, but I fortunately do not have to also deal with a disability.


9h for lvl25 is the average for you?
lol nice joke…
Look the speed runs on yt in the beta you can easy reach lvl25 in 3h without stress…
Just don’t sleep at the leveling and don’t run over the whole world for nothing…
A smart advice…in the city you get no exp…

It is not mean per se to point out a possible flaw in my point. But it does reinforce the basic point that the Devs are… delusional, out of touch or something like that.

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Ohh for sure. Anyone who has played any decent amount of video games knows that devs always overstate how long it is going to take the “average” player to beat their game or reach a certain level.

I was more just responding to the guy who was trying to make it seem like 9 hours was an average time to hit lvl 25. Which nothing wrong with someone taking that time, but it was certainly not the average in the beta.

Well during the beta blizzard only counted 2.6 million people reached level 20 for the wolf pup. So 150 hours of active game time seems like a good estimate.

Was’nt XP boosted for Beta?

But of course, there’s always gonna be people who are fast at XP

considering, I played fairly average, and a lot during first beta, and ended up with 2x25 and 1x23 , for 10-11h of play each day, so maybe 30-33H of play time…

9H for 1x level 25 sounds pretty average to me :slight_smile:

At least it seems right on, from personal experience

Key words ‘average player’

Safe to say most of us do not fit their definition of an average player, by that I mean anyone taking time to post here is undoubtedly going to sink more time into the game than what they consider an average player.

One, there are at least a couple of quests in the various towns, cities that you turn in for XP. Two, I was not quite joking. Although, the “don’t sleep” comment does remind me that taking the fur babies out, eating, going to the restroom may have happened during the time involved. I will have to do a time at task versus time on task approach. Three, I have been tabletop gaming for over 40 years and computer gaming for at least 20. So, I am familiar with speed runs. However, I like to complete things. So, side quests from a main quest giver, totally completing dungeons, etc. does rather hamper my ability to do speed runs. Also, this would lend more credence to @Arki83 stating I am not the average gamer.

Thats great news! Surely you dont want to level fast

In closed beta there was a double XP buff to facilitate testing.

So you’ve never made it to level 100 and you still act like you know how long it would take.


You meant 794? I don’t think I’ve seen anything above 800 without blacksmith upgrades, or I just didn’t do enough high ND to get one.

Edit: I don’t think high ND level 110+ monsters dropping extremely high item power loots is a good design, because that means loots from Helltide and Tree of Whisper will be underwhelming in comparison and ND becomes the only true end game activity. Now I wish I had done more ND60+ in closed beta.

yeah I think that is the second way to get your damage up aside from leveling up the glyphs. I’m concerned what the gear will look like at those higher tiers. There were players claiming they had 920 gear which tells me they were upwards Tier 80-90 which I think was possible with the broken builds back then which also explains the few times world bosses were 1 shot killed.

And I had to look at my screen shots to remind me what my gear was so I corrected myself in a response after the post you quoted.

how do you know? i never said that … you just took my line out of context and put something you like … the problem is you cuz you are lying

sounds like casual will reach 100 in like 500 + hours? elitist can complete earlier maybe 100 hours? and the RMT can complete in less than 40 hours. Im just guessing

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That sounds about right. The current longest before endgame content by Early Access is Launch day. Still, most people are figuring sometime on Early Access day 2 we will have people doing endgame.

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Max item level is same as max level 100 …

So end game stuff is Ancestrals at close to 100 , but Ancestrals is not like Primals in D3 (not max attributes) , a level 85 Ancestrals can potentially be better than a level 100 Ancestrals

They really didn’t learn a thing from covenants or azerite armor or vanilla d3 lol it’s honestly impressive at this point.

I feel like I walked away knowing less than when I walked in after reading through this thread full of garble.