Reaching level 100 will take 150+ hours

Arent you confusing item power with item level? Why would level 104 mobs drop items with item level that high? You mean power, right?


Higher chance, but not forced minimum.

The way I look at it, before level 70 I will be more concerned with leveling than gearing. After level 70, I will be more concerned with gearing than leveling. Both will be important at both level brackets, but the priority will shift. (For me anyway)

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oh I see where the confusion might be, the level requirement of the item will be set to your level when it drops regardless of item power. You won’t loot something you can’t use until later.

That is both. It was wearable at level 98, as I was just 1 day from 100 before end game beta closed, but I had other level 98 wearables that were 840 ilvl/power that dropped from the level 90 ish mobs.

Thats good news. So the ceiling of minimum stats dont raise after level70, but you get a higher chance for higher rolls with higher level mobs? I like that system.

Anyway, its possible this might have changed since endgame closed beta though, which i am assuming is your source.

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Source is from Joe Piepora himself in the latest live dev chat hosted by Rhykker. It’s fresh info and how the drops will be at launch.

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They already said that on the livestream, but if you have played other ARPGs, you know gear drops have an item level that decides the minimum and potential max rolls. This is relevant in POE for example, if you wanna craft an item, you want to start with an item that have both maximum minimum stats and highest potential rolls on stats, which is decided by item level.

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I had incorrect image showing me the wrong item. I believe it was off of the a Tier 60 sigil where I had 1 item at 894. T50 was 794 which is what most of my gear was at.

If it took you 9 hours to hit 25, you were literally just sitting in town at vendors for at least 3 of those hours, sorry.

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I’d consider 70 the endgame point, because there are also aspects and uniques locked behind WT4. Wouldn’t be surprised if there are other things not mentioned in WT4 as well.

I agree with this, you start engaging with end game systems at 50, but other than paragon points you’ll be replacing things when you hit 70/WT4. That’s when you can start finishing things like gear etc.

Feels seriously like hyberbole that it will take that long. Half sounds more realistic.

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Well he specifically says “for the average player experience.” The average player is casual and isn’t playing/farming as efficiently.

Obviously the grinders and more efficient players will be faster.

This statement should only apply to a first playthrough, which naturally takes longer as people are trying to figure stuff out and spend a lot of time exploring and experimenting. Once people figure out the most optimal ways to level or how to cut out the fluff, the path to max level should be significantly faster.

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Watching all cutscenes doing full map clears collecting all transmogs and so on and so forht may take 150h for the first toon. Going straight for level 100…40-60 hours would be my guess.

Yeah, and if you want to try a different build just spend another 180 h to level an alt.

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hitting level 100 is not required to complete the game, its like hitting 100 in PoE or 99 in D2. You will be able to complete your setup long before maxing out on paragon points.

Hectic. Thousands of hours and you can’t have infinite content. Sounds like you’ve been robbed.

Have you tried lobbying for PvP modes? Great replayability there.

Ahhahahahaaaaa, and some say seasons are a good thing… Do the math with me so we need to NONSTOP LEVEL UP AT LEAST 2 hours per day to get to max level on the LAST DAY of the season. Again 2 hours NONSTOP leveling…
So when to chat to friends, read stats on items, skills, inventory, cosmetics, Lilith altars, map revealing, paragon board. Keep in mind you need AT LEAST 3 HOURS NONSTOP FARMING EXP to get to max level BEFORE season ends……

Why do you have to be max level? Max level in APRGs (except D3) is typically a stretch goal that not everyone achieves.

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