Raxx is ok with the latest patch

We don’t care. We paid for the product to have fun not to beta test for Blizzard for their game’s health.

Im not the one here complaining and blatantly lying. You are the troll making crap up.

Go ahead and go play the most popular arpgs in history. All of them are challenging. Without challenge there is no point in playing the damn game.

I think some mobile idle rpg would be more to your liking.

Then dont play live service games

Still waiting for you to respond to me about which part of these arpgs you think is hard so we can help you out.

If you had ever played D1 and D2 you would know already. Do you think you just simply entered NM and Hell and started blowing crap up?

You never played Gauntlet back in the day?

Ive never played POE, but am familiar that it is challenging.

He won’t. He thinks anyone who doesn’t agree with him has only played the Story and nothing else.

Because it is obviously true.
And i already replied peasant.

The very first playthrough? maybe not for a couple bosses, duriel and areat summet barbs being examples. But every subsequent playthrough? Yeah. D2 is easy. I have played a TON of arpgs so I’m sure that helps.

But duriel? stack cold res. Andy? poison res. Diablo? Fight from a distance and stack fire/lightning res. The mountain barbarian gang? Split them up and conquer 1 by 1.

Is there any I didn’t mention you have issue with? The resolution is in most cases stacking the proper defensive stats; something I wish D4 had the depth to do.

Edit: To add, D4 isn’t harder after these nerfs; its just more tedious. So even if its goal was to be harder, it still failed.

Yes all challenges that needed to be overcome.
All that needed to be learned and time that needed to be invested.

Not push a button and delete the screen with your pre determined build like D3

I guess for me I disagree with them being difficult because just simply identifying an element and then making sure you have that element written on gear isn’t what I’d consider hard.

Something more reflexive is what I’d consider hard like the aspirational fights of poe or dark souls games.

For the D2 bosses it was simply identify and correct once then beat it.

Also on a side note, if you want hard and haven’t tried POE yet, you should try it. Its overwhelming mechanically but well worth it in the end. They have some truly challenging bosses at the endgame and its a blast.

Is his Bone Spear Necro only 2 shotting Bosses now?

I had it downloaded and it seemed kinda clunky to me. Also seemed oversaturated with things I couldnt understand as a new player. (Reminded me of going back to Destiny 2 after 4 years) I didnt give it much time though.

I didnt mind the damage and DR nerfs as much as the XP nerfs that made what was already a slog from 70-100 even worse.

I will not sugar coat it. Its VERY overwhelming. It’s worth sticking it out imo but I definitely get why people are put off by jumping in this late. I’ve been playing it off and on since alpha so I gradually learned stuff which helped. It has just been built on for years now so there are a lot of systems. That complexity though is what makes it great to me though personally.

Think the length isn’t what is important, it’s addition of new content to keep it more interesting while doing so

The pre-season was 1.5 months, seasons are 3 months… Did XP get nerfed 2x ?, nope

My problem is they caved it actually, instead of saying that slower progress is part of what keeps seasons feeling different/new… I mean that should’ve been the overall goal… :thinking: :slight_smile:

I like raxx but he did say that the rogue was going to be a bad class and sorc was going to be s tier at launch. Streamers aren’t always right

Raxx isn’t the only one, this patch is pretty good IMO.

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He also has 5 level 100s. What issue can he have with the patch? It’s streamers like him that were in the position we’re in.

200k + subs, founder of max roll, many many twitch followers and you don’t think he makes money on the game?? LOL

He looks uncomfortable when making that statement, more obvious with wudijo saying the damage nerfs are ok.

They should just stick to gameplay vids if they are not good at lying.

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