Raxx is ok with the latest patch

Raxx said he thinks the patch was neccessary in order to et a healthy game forward. I think he might have a point.


While that may be true, I’m sure if they actually tested the game they would have done these nerfs before the game came out. I’m sure they had the internal numbers during the betas…

They also could have nerfed everything a bit later. Like season 3, where people are invested, and not as willing to leave.


Streamer makes controversial statements for more clicks??? When does that ever happen.


Glad he finally came around on that.

It was necessary, just poorly handled and there’s a lot they really need to do. They should plan on monthly patches for a while.

Every single live service game experiences balance patching on a regular basis. Whether the game was released with this nerf in place or not, a balance patch was bound to happen that was going to have this kind of ripple effect. In all likelihood - it is probably good to piss everyone off now rather than later. That way the dust settles on a foundation and not a rebuild.


This game pays his bills. It’s his job. He say any BS to keep this trainwreck going forward. Streamers opinions don’t matter.


if its so good so why they didn’t publish it with release of the game in a first place? oh wait, it wouldn’t be so fun at the beginning, its so blizzard

How is it healthy to have a game that has a hardcore mode where you permanently lose your character if you die once, was already notorious for having one shot mechanics pre nerfs, has an absurdly zoomed in camera so you can barely see anything around you and mobs can one shot snipe you from off screen or a boar can suddenly come in charging from off screen before you can even react due to the zoomed in camera, and you reduce all player defenses by almost 50% so they get one shot even more easily?


thats because he rolling with rogue, tell him to play a barb or a sorc on season 1 and see his reaction lol. following streamer opinion is ur biggest mistake, his class ranking at game launch was a joke. clueless and wrong on every freaking level


Well, if he’s not okay with it he’s going to have a hard time getting people to watch him playing it, so yea, i’m not surprised he’s okay with it.


what does that matter when the game feels like a tedious chore now?

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Oh well if Raxx said it then boom I’m instantly now having fun again /s .

Nothing changes that the current state of the game isn’t fun. I don’t care what any streamer’s opinion is.

Games are supposed to be, above all else, fun. And while that is subjective and there are people having fun, there are a lot of long-term fans that are not.

It seems that Blizzard, as with their other IPs, has decided that abandoning their original customers for gamers raised on cell phone games is the right move for their company going forward. So we can just go point salt.


So is every other normal person

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No no, you don’t get it. Raxx is ok so its ok.

Well Raxx is good with his content, but let’s be realist, he earns his money with streaming and Maxroll, currently mostly around D4, so he has literally no interest in trashing the patch. i can trust him about a build, but not on this opinion to be 100% honest.


I need to make content, it’s my job. Please, play the game, because it’s my source of income.

Respect to Rax, but this is the same every time. Barbarian nerfs, D3 patches, watch his older videos. Copium is a thing when it pays.


Yup, this is the point I keep trying to drive home. If these nerfs are this significant it means they missed them in multiple betas which just shows their incompetence.

It’s also possible that it was a good opportunity to drive players into seasons for borrowed power.

They are all the same, Raxx, Rhyker, whatever. They are all gonna downplay how bad of a state the game is in and just focus on ways to play the game. That’s how they make money.

Imagine if they made a video “Hey this game’s really bad and I’ve uninstalled but I reinstalled to show you 10 different leveling builds for seasons”. It would make zero sense financially for them to do this. I’m just glad I could uninstall after the game-killer patch and the season 1 flop.


That patch did the exact opposite of what they stated was their intention. The affix nerfs made those stats even more required (CDR, CD, Vuln). I had a couple builds that skipped 1 or two of those stats on items before for other utility things. Now I can’t and the build just doesn’t really work any more.

They wanted to tone down the meta builds and balance things out. The meta builds are now even stronger in comparison to the off-meta builds. Build diversity was reduced, not expanded. There will be very few builds that can do NM 100 and Uber lilith, just like before. There are even less options now than before.


Of course he is. Playing D4 is his job and Blizzard sends him free stuff. He was pissed at one point with the initial Barb nerfs and spent the entire stream pouting and being pissy about it.