Raxx is ok with the latest patch

You could just think for yourself.

Sure. Raxx looked like he had major depression for a few days after that patch.

I believe so as well. At least, considering what they said they were going to do in the upcoming weeks. If they do that, then all is well. By itself, it’s more than jarring.

Asmongold is hyped too now

The patch doesn’t solve any of the fundamental problems the game has so he’s objectively wrong. The patch doesn’t make the game better, it just shifts things in one direction. The real issues require redesigning the systems in the game.

You cannot improve the game by balancing this way.

You might have a point for a lot (majority?) of Streamers, but some do genuinely try their best to be objective and provide cknstructive critizism as well.

It’s your job to filter out the clickbaiters if you feel that’s what they are doing.

As far as I’m concerned, Rax is the only ARPG streamer I am subscribed to currently because I feel he is being honest and I understand his arguments even if I don’t necessarely agree with all of them.

But yeah, overall, streamers are bad news.

Who is this p rain and why should I care

Yeah, you can and that’s exactly what they did. They coukd have spread it out kver several patch, or worked on one class at a time, but most would have cried either way.

The reason they won’t ever have to do it again is not an altruistic one, it is because they brought back everything to where they feel comfortable, so they can seriously start balancing correctly.

The success of this game is tied to his own success. Of course he’s going to cup half full literally everything he can. He was doing the same thing with Diablo Immortal until it became clear that playing it any further would be harmful to his followers growing, as people were starting to unfollow in protest.

The only streamer willing to put his money where his mouth is MrLlamaSC. He’s been very critical of the game and he has decided NOT to play this season. So not all streamers are profit driven.

Although I don’t agree with him on many points, I value his input as a super solid D2 player. It’s nice to have a D2 perspective for D4

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It’s how they executed it that was horrible.

They should’ve made clear that Pre-Season would have classes over-powered to compensate for no seasonal advantages. And that once season 1 starts, the pre-season buffs would be gone (aka the nerf patch).

Why is every single one of your posts about content creators. Live your own life bro

Who is that and why does their opinion matter?

wasn’t this dude saying diablo immortal was a great game before the whole maxroll team decided to “not platform diablo immoral for moral reasons etc”?

If people can move past “being beta testers to a ‘finished’ product” … which is kind of true but it’s not unusual to have buffs/nerfs/changes/bug fixes.

I thought the nerfs were needed too. Game is obviously suffering balance issues and it needs to be addressed in layers. How do you eat an elephant? One bite at a time.

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Do you actually read posts ?
Read it few times over and over and post before… Thank you

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It never was about the patch, its about flawed foundation mechanics and the large amount of balance problems due of those core mistakes. And the playerbase ending up being some beta tester for a product that cost top dollar.

On top of the patches dont adress the problems they simply mitigate the problems in cheap and simplistic manors while increasing the impact of the problems. Doing so while pushing new content, with greedy €€ signs in their eyes. Hell they even talking about increasing the chest space instead of fixing the underlaying cause. E.g. The generic item copy/paste generation with a flawed item catagories.

The current state is just sad and gives little trust they will be able to fix it, and deff a unfinished product. Esp when taking in consideration the amount of years it took to develop. Which is beyond wierd when asking top dollar, more money then any other triple a atm.

In my eyes this aint a worthy follow up of diablo 1 or 2. That doesnt make the game the worst game ever but it didnt meet my expectations and of many others. Which is unrelated to asking top dollar for a game with so many flaws and issues in the foundation.

But the current state is not only the last patch, if that was only the case that would’ve been wonderful.

Hopefully it will corrected over time.

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I think the game is in a better state now than before patch atleast. But ofcourse there are tons more that needs fixing before we can call it a good game.

well said.


Yes siree Bob the third.