Raxx is ok with the latest patch

I really don’t care about the nerfs good or bad, but the real issue is the lack of fun finding loot (itemization) and end-game activities that doesn’t start at level 60 and you are finished doing at level 80.
Game is so lackluster, and unfinished its unreal.
They own d1-d2-d3. Why on earth would they downgrade on such important metrics compared to the previous versions of the game, even D1 had better itemization than D4, and actually felt challenging. D4 on the otherhand seems to have nothing but a campaign, that we are now able to skip.

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Let me guess - if he wasn’t you would have posted a thread saying “Raxx said he hates the patch. I think he might have a point”?

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Ah yes the divergence from both previous games which the userbase grew accustomed to and were sold this one on the merits of.

Here’s my list on just itemization, not typing it again. This is not all encompassing but as I see it, you’re just here to be dismissive and troll you don’t deserve more than that anyway.

They deviated from their prior working formulas and people are, rightfully, upset with it.

I’m not the one with the tinfoil hat conspiracy theory, you are.

He dont need to, because there is no max exodus

That’s a stupid term used by people that are oblivious. Do you think he does this for fun? I mean really. Next thing you’re gonna say is he doesn’t make any money from ads on YouTube too right? Oh yeah that’s “tin foil”. What a :clown_face:

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From playing pretty much every major ARPG?

If you think they are hard maybe “gitting gud” is in order.

To add to this, D4 isn’t even hard, its just tedious.

Lol, you are nothing but a liar. Or completely delusional. They have been hard since the beginning

I don’t know of many ads on YouTube for streamers.
But if you meant ads on Twitch, then yes of course he makes money. But if you knew how little people make from Twitch and their garbage policy you would know that he’s not making millions.

Do I think he does this for fun? 1000% He loves Diablo and loves video games.
If you don’t do what you love for a career, then you’re going to be miserable your entire life.

Never heard of him/her.

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LOL I could tell when I saw the first video he did right after the patch, he looked a little wild-eyed and was trying not to freak a little, because it seems like those guys really stand by their maxroll guides, and so change-ups with nerfs mean they have to go back to the drawing board of all of it. He comes from an insurance background and so do I. Documentation is crucial to people like us.

On a side note, I haven’t been able to play yet in Season 1 because my stupid internet is down in my area. FML. I’ve been just going to sleep earlier like a sad g*dmn panda. :frowning:

Edit: nerfs not nerds

Git gud it is then.


Apart from a few poe aspirational bosses, arpgs are buy and large easy grindfests.

They even wined and dined him with a trip to Blizz HQ during the Immoral backlash. He filmed and posted parts of the trip. It’s hilariously transparent.

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I guess if you play on story mode

lmao what are you having trouble with? Maybe we can help.

I’m finding that a lot of streamers/players who defend the patch are only looking at those that are freaking out about nerfs.

I could care less about the nerfs, its a necessary evil. My issue is all the time they put into this patch but left out an array of bugs that still haven’t been fixed. They focused on nerfs before focusing on core game play issues (for example the mount). To make it worse the only bugs they tackled were bugs that made specific builds too strong (which once again i dont disagree with).

Not really, some (few) things are positive but the vast majority of the changes are either unnecessary, pointless or completely failed to achieve what they set out to do.

Raxx is a diablo partners , he already sell is soul too hell

hey raxx enjoy your 4 share tab :+1: