Raxx is ok with the latest patch

U’r trolling right ?

He had a vid where had tons of criticism even though he tried to be as mature about it, he obviously didn’t like

Did he go 180% or what happened ? :smiley:

Also I went 180% also, if going in one dungeon over and over to craft some staves to complete one boss and then doing it again and again is the entire content of the season then I won’t do it at all

Thought the new “spawns” were supposed to be something new/dynamic happening everywhere in the world, events, fights and whatnot, this is like… w.t.f. ?

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Actuall he doesnt. Hes stated multiple times that he wasnt given early access to a lot of diablo IV content. Including season 1 content. Even though many other streamers got to play season 1 early access.

1000 times this. ARPGs are not meant to make every single fight a slog. I’ve been playing D2R again (because it’s actually fun), and guess what? I can kill act bosses in seconds. I can wipe out entire packs of trash with a single AoE attack. I feel like my character is powerful, and by God, I can find loot to make them even more powerful. This is how every great isometric ARPG plays. This is not how D4 plays.

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Who cares what Raxx thinks he needs people to like diablo for his income.


you can find pics of Rax, Rhykker and many other streamers hanging out and chilling with devs. They are all buddies. So ya, they are all streaming even after calling the patch crap since that’s what they do…

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Yup, clearing screens with one or two abilities in D3 is orders of magnitude more fun than this slog.

My problem isn’t necessarily the patch per say. Part of my problem is the so called “intended” release of broken core mechanics, and the balance of a game without those intended mechanics working as intended.

This right here shows you something very telling. Especially now they admitted that things weren’t working. Their priority isn’t making the game run properly. It’s to push players into a fast paced seasonal cycle to give the monetized pass as much visibility as possible. THAT’S IT!

Actually fixing the game will always take second when put up against monetization.

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My problem with it is that the devs addressed their own concerns and not the concerns of their players. A proper patch attempts to address both sides at the same time.

There were many testers doing end game content at level 100 and they gave extensive feedback.
It was all ignored.

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Omg one of the founders of Maxroll, a diablo partner, someone whose entire revenue stream relies on this being successful…. Came out and said it’s good for the game?! :flushed::scream::face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth: no way!!


How often do you run out of tin foil?

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They are all official diablo partners…. It’s not tin foil.


If you actually watched his D3 streams, he’s always been very critical of the game. If he sees something, good or bad, he’ll say that it’s good or bad.
He’s the opposite of a shill.

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Dude I am no stranger to Rax. Never called him a shill. It is a WISE business decision to calm down a player base that is quitting the game and will no longer need your website for guides or info. Smarten up.

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It’s always bad to balance the game, when things aren’t even working. Like resistances for example.

Ah yes, the fake made up problems of crybabies

This right here!!!

THIS IS THE PROBLEM MOST OF US HAVE. You white knights don’t realize. You fix the major problems with the game FIRST then nerf!! RESISTANCES, a core mechanic of every diablo game, DONT WORK!!!

How many people use ad blockers these days?
The website is free. I seriously doubt the ad revenue from that site is anything to write home about.

But you’re free to your opinion. Mine is completely different.

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There is also a PAID option. Not everyone uses ad blockers. Maxroll is advertised by blizzard in the launcher. Again, smarten up.

You don’t really think that website is free for them to provide and they do that out of the goodness of their hearts??

Arpgs have always been hard, so I dont know where you get this info