Raxx is ok with the latest patch

Then why is the game not fun to me and others when previous diablo titles were (yes even at the start)?

Because if you knew better you would have fun!

Ah crap I forgot its that simple. My bad I guess Iā€™m just wrong. lol

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Iā€™d love to hear the mental gymnastics he would use to explain how causing a mass exodus from the game is good, either short or long term.

Its a secret, you wouldnt get it anyways

Heā€™s probably gonna make something work out of the game no matter how deep in the gutter it is.

Else what find another game to hop over to, after spending that much resource and creating an entire website dedicated to it.

What inspired you to market for all of these view farmers?

I see your name on every post pushing the idea that anyone should care about or support these corporate advertisers, itā€™s bothersome.

Hereā€™s why I think he doesnā€™t have a point.

Lets say you have a car (diablo 4).

Its not running super well and you find out the engine is going bad.

So you take out the engine and give it back to the owner saying (well we had to take out the engine to make room for the new one in the future in about 3-4 months).

Would you think thatā€™s acceptable service?

No, you wouldnā€™t. You would want the engine taken out AND replaced with a new working one.

These patch notes were just the taking out of the engine. They needed more substantial changes as well. Long term health is great and all but you donā€™t just make the game garbage for a season. They needed to put in more fixes people actually wanted along side the changes that werenā€™t asked for but better for long-term health.

They gave us a car without the engine with only promise of it running properly in the distant future.

Edit: The worst part of this car is the mechanic sold you it in the first place, knowing full and well the engine was bad but rushed out because the boss wanted money.


I admit, I do struggle with understanding insanity.

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When you are playing Rogue you are playing a different game to everyone else haha. You actually have options and fun with that class.

Iā€™ll listen to him over this community including you thatā€™s for sure

Listening to anyone about your own opinion on the game is just foolish. Form your own opinions be it that the game is good or that its bad.

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Oh. Cool.


Tell Raxx to wear a different hoodie and to assume his baldness.

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Well, shoot.

The blizzard supported streamer said their game is okay.

Shocker!! Pack it up, gameā€™s fine everyone!

  • In new news, MrLlama liked diablo 2!

I donā€™t know who Raxx is, but they need to actually work on the core of the game if they want to get it to a healthy point.

The patch itself isnā€™t doing anything to fix that.

ā€œStreamer says something that I could never reason about myself (as I am a sub-100 IQ plebeian) and I think he might have a point!ā€

No streamer who primarily plays & relies on 1 game for their income is ever going to be objective & honest about the atrocious state of that game.

If youā€™re the kind of person who needs a content creator to inform your opinion on a game, youā€™re mentally checked tf out.

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streamers need to keep their watchers invested, so they can pay for their mcds and rent.

I always knew he had a poont. Even before he made it. I really enjoy reading all these whiney babies.

Really? Heā€™s been plenty critical of the nerfs.

He has said how garbage certain skills are now after the nerfs. Heā€™s said he mains Barb but not this season because Barb is garbage after the patch, along with sorc. Heā€™s also complained about the slow leveling.

He said that if the devs during their livestream today try selling this as a step towards their future plans, they are going to anger the internet. That the game needs to be fun now, not in the future.

The measure of the game shouldnā€™t be based on what the elite say or how they play anyway. Their uber kills that they stream live or post videos of donā€™t represent the gameplay of the majority of the player base.

Have you looked at the season journey? The last tier has a requirement of 6 of 8 to complete. Three of those are the echo of Lilith, the echo of the new boss and reaching level 100. Of these three, which one do you think the majority of casual players are going to be able to achieve? Which one are they going to aim for?

While some may be having fun, there are just as many if not more who arenā€™t. Theyā€™re only going to stick around for so long before leaving. Just like in D3 where you see more of your clan online at the start of a season, only for the majority to disappear after a week or two, the same is going to happen here.

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