Raxx is ok with the latest patch

Damn - a measured take on the diablo forum? This really is a historic day! Well put

The patch is only the icing on the cake. The game still has large fundamental problems that have gone both unaddressed and uncorrected even without a bad patch.

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Raxx is making a living out of Diablo 4 :rofl:
Good guy, no offense against him, but hell I donĀ“t believe this quote.

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Raxx is a shill and partnered with Blizz as a content creator. The same as someone like Rhykker, he gets exclusive rights other content creators donā€™t get, and they have actually usage contracts that dictate what theyā€™re able to say and share.


Just like any other streamers that grew off of D4 hype. Nah. Donā€™t care if he feels the patch is fine. Of course, it feels fine for him. Just about everyone is playing 2 classes that survived the patch unscathed and came out with Malignant Hearts that are far above and beyond better than other classes.

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Fair enough - i guessā€¦

Its only been out for roughly 1.5 months, though. So, I for one am willing to see it through.

While the balance patch is divisive itā€™s not my biggest problem, my biggest problem is the sheer amount of major bugs.

Iā€™d be fine with that if it were in early access. Iā€™ve seen early access indy titles with better fundamentals than this. Hell at least Blizzard games are usually polished but even that isnā€™t the case with this one, so many bugs with stats talents and skills not working or calculating correctly and the general netcode jankiness and horse issues etc.

edit: Especially for a price hike from the standard to $70 I expect a quality finished product.

Live services is a modern day excuse for greed and laziness.


While I wouldnt dismiss the existence of bugs in this game, I have only experienced one and its not on your list. So, unfortunately, I cannot relate with the game being broken in that respectā€¦

But I can agree that D4 would be better received if it were a game in EA released by another developer.

Isnā€™t he paid by blizzard?

Raxx is a Diablo streamer, he depends on it for income.

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Imagine if they made everyone under powered, then buffed everyone instead. The community would have felt better about the patch. Always undersalt your food, because you can add more later.

Of course he is. This is his living and heā€™s a Diablo partner. He is always overly generous when it comes to Blizzard; the exception being Immoral. Itā€™s why I stopped watching his content.

Just a few I experienced but there are more (one was fixed, some existed after launch even when reported before it, by meā€¦).

Sorc crit damage bonus burn node doesnt calculate properly.

Druid extra pets dissappeared and needed replaced on bar to work.
Druid passive pets wouldnā€™t attack without being replaced on bar before zone transition.
Druid pet %dmg increase talent did/does nothing.

there are more but iā€™ll be honest I donā€™t feel like typing them all. The bug reports section is flooded more than most games I have seen. A lot of the bugs are things you may not notice unless you are paying close attention but they are bugs nonetheless.

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The only people who think an ARPG. Is supposed to be hard are the clowns who think every game should have Soulsborne difficulty.

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But then I guess(?) its not at all obvious that the ā€œless is moreā€ philosophy doesnt work at all with this community of gamers.

They could have done anything else and weā€™d likely still be here arguing about what they could have done.

Yeah, this is where the focus of their patches should go, fixing broken mechanics BEFORE massive percentage nerfs. Like you said, most things that are broken are things players canā€™t see unless specifically testing them because something seems off about it.

Yeah it really makes the game unplayable at a baseline for me. I didnā€™t play with the build/class I originally wanted to because of these bugs (pet druid). Pet druid was so gimped and/or janky with all the bugs surrounding it It wasnā€™t worth even attempting to make good. And thatā€™s aside from their poor balancing of pets as it was.

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Raxx knows what he is talking about. Heā€™s right about this.

Exact same for me. Summon druids are my fave archetype, and Blizz just canā€™t seem to make them work. The changes in D2R were a great start, but didnā€™t go far enough. Damage is still low.

In D4, their pet scaling makes them unplayable after a certain point. Their health doesnā€™t scale nearly enough when entering W2 and beyond. The active raven ability is terrible, and I told them so during beta. No mob is going to stand there in it. I do love those full screen clears with a poison creeper though.