Rapid Fire shooting feels awful after 1.4.1 patch NEW: *UPDATE AFTER HOTFIX*

I don’t need aoe for bosses, and you guys saying overall 0 aoe is simple not true, if you group the mobs all die on one RF, but sure, I agree that the aoe was much better before and can be improved.

Yeah RF atleast is playable now, but AOE was better in the first release when it had a little bit of spread.

u took 10 min to reach the boss, the build is pathetic in any form of clear and cant do any content whatsoever now but bosses with which rapidfire had never problems with u cant even do helltide with this,

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Can confirm. Taking away the entire original purpose of the item isn’t really a fix.

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It’s a T111 and it wasn’t 10 minutes, more like 9, lol.

T100 I can still do in less than 5 like before.

Helltides, mate, serious!?

Like I said, playable, not the best version, but playable. Let’s just hope for a better AOE on the next update.

it just proves the rogue designers are completely disjointed from one another, one guy in one part of the building designed the ring to give rapid fire aoe, and another guy fixed it to have less aoe than normal rapid fire skill basickly what the ring does is giving u a damage multiplier with the skills and x% increase.

casual reminder this ring in ptr was erasing an entire line of mobs. and now it does a tiny explosion :smiley:


Why don’t you guys just revert the RF, it’s playable now but still not as good as before


RF is not fixed. Still missing half my arrows and sprays in all directions (PC)

This happens frequently when the target around you

This FIX didn’t fix anything, arrows keeps hitting in 1 spot now and thats it. If you try to kill a single enemy, all the arrows going over their head lol. Please revert RF as it was before.


and another bug btw, on pc sometimes the arrow shoot far away for no reason when u aim closer :)))) it happens rarely but enough to annoy u

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We went from a grenade launcher to a rail gun. If your aim is off, you arent hitting anything. Just make the AOE radius bigger and call it good at this point.


theres also the ring rapid fire bug where the arrows get blocked by the elites wall that slows ur projectiles, when u use the ring the arrows get blocked completely :smiley:

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I agree with the 2x AOE being needed.

Some players are thinking that some arrows are missing, but you described just fine, we f have a Rail Gun now and I liked it.

I appreciate your effort fixing the bug, but I did not expect the arrows to become just hitting a SINGLE DOT later when I invested in this build…

Please, just revert it to what it used to be, or at least give it more aoe. The current state of RF is really not fun requiring me to clear the mobs one by one.


agree, well said while i like the boss killing potential its unplayable in 95% of content

Before the hotfix the grenade launcher/explosion vibe feels much better for me, and it fit in what Scoundrel’s Kiss as a unique ring describes as “lobs exploding arrows”.

We are just looking for more consistent spread of projectiles and no arrows flying all over the place. Making the projectiles hitting only a single spot is really just over-correcting.


Im getting used to the pinpoint accuracy thing its definitely not like before but i have gotten the hang of it but damn i would really prefer the OG scoundrels kiss with some slight spread

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Has the patch being rolled out today fixed RF

Yes but it has pinpoint accuracy now so all the arrows hit the same exact spot no more slight spread so AOE takes a bit of a hit