Rapid Fire shooting feels awful after 1.4.1 patch NEW: *UPDATE AFTER HOTFIX*

Blizzard team are to stupid to Ffix that or what ? I dont understand… But its great recipe for lost players…

Do you know how hard that is for Blizzard?
They are a sorry bunch who can’t do what is “normal” for them


still no update guys? c’mon :frowning:

If it can’t be fixed, is there no way to restore it?
Frankly speaking, master craftsmen’s gold is nothing compared to what’s happening with rapid fire right now.

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this is utterly insane, how can you not fix such game breaking bug in 2 days… How could such bug even go through QA ?Single cast of RAPID FIRE would be enough to detect its completely broken… Do you even have QA/Testing? Blizzard is trying hard to convince us not to spend money for such low quality service


Let’s be even more specific, maybe it will help, at least with an ETA …
RAPID FIRE + SCOUNDREL RING more precisely, that is bugged ! Arrows go stormtrooper style … all random.

BLIZZARD!!! The least you can do is to keep the community informed with frequent updates on the progress of fixing the bug to reassure players that the issue is being addressed.



Its clear seeing them not updating us for 2 straight days that they look at us as useless beings or even bugs.

I mean if they see us as human beings, least they could do is inform us with anything, I mean they are prolly monitoring the forum and see that we are in pain, waiting.

Such disappointment. I guess this is how MS operates. I mean they did take in Blizzard.


Blizzard keeps messing around and they are gonna start seeing old Bollywood memes again, like back in the day when WoW shaman were having a bad time.

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but heartseeker looks so boring to play.


Why touch something that works well: waiting to test a better fix, please revert the changes to Rapid Fire from latest patch…

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So, yesterday it was “trying to fix today” and now I’m seeing on Twitter you’re thinking next hotfix? Which is when? Communication in any industry is very important. I work in construction planning and if something goes wrong with a job and I don’t reply to customers for days I’d be let go. Just food for thought on being considerate with your consumer base as we put a lot of hours into your product and deserve more than radio silence for extended periods after a mistake was made.


do you have a source saying “next hotfix?” If that’s true im quitting the game.

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Just a daily reminder that shadow clones also do not copy rapid fire…

Shadow clones don’t use rapid fire

Wild to see devs that just don’t communicate on serious game-breaking issues for a lot of players. The bar gets lower and lower…


He responded to a X post saying they are hoping to fix it in their next hotfix

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That helps… When the eff is that going to be?

Who knows when it’ll be. Live service game… can’t even get out a fix that destroys a build tons of people invested in

I will be quitting as well, such a sad state of affairs


Can we at least get an update? A lot of people have invested many hours into their characters only to find them bricked after a patch that should not have touched this build at all… Either rollback the change (it was working fine before) or actually fix the skill but let us know when please!