Rapid Fire shooting feels awful after 1.4.1 patch NEW: *UPDATE AFTER HOTFIX*

lost to Path of Exile? lol, kk.
Diablo killer, right?)) I’ve heard this somewhere before, many times)

wake up. it’s been two days

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Whaaat are u doing there ?

How long it would take to fix it? missing having fun with this build already

How incompetent can you be to not being able to revert a change you made in a few hours? They are literaly punishing 99.9% of RF player for 0.1% of ppl exploiting this imaginary bug on wide screen. Even more frustrating when there is exploit like helltide and holy bug potion so unreal evryone is shocked at how ridicoulus it looks. They realy only care about streamer build. 90% of the server is playing necro minion or barb bash so you will never see a nerf or “fix” to them.


I posted this reply 1 day ago and spent the whole night today switching to Heartseeker. All the gold and resources are gone and I finally could play the new build. For all the people still waiting, God bless RF. (Never play Rogue again, giving it a try this season but found out no love compares to Barb for 200% sure.

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Almost 2 days have passed and no news… Rogue’s class can’t play and they don’t say anything… everything was going too well, it was a matter of time before they did their thing again…

In the end we will all play with barbarians and that’s it. What a mess…

This is my guess, but it may be impossible for them to fix their own fixes because they haven’t been hired as a decent technician!
Look at the long period from S1 to S3. All this time, they still can’t deliver an interesting video game!
I wonder, during the Diablo1 to Diablo3 period, they haven’t learned anything?

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How long can it be resolved?No progress information available.

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can you fix the bug? we cant play the game. and what compensation do we get?


Hello Developers , why do you keep making brainless idiots out of us? You fix a few mistakes and you make twice as many mistakes… Rapid Fire is now unplayable, inaccurate, insanely inaccurate… Why are you waiting how many days to fix this huge bug?

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Are our voices being heard?
Does it change if it’s a famous player?

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Give them some time guys, the team is currently busy designing new homosexual npc’s for World of Warcraft, they don’t even have time to update us on this issue, let alone solve it.


I would like a refund for all the rogue items I’ve purchased from the shop


WHY You GUYS Don’t Work?

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Season 7 it will be fixed.


Yeah but then rogue be nerf for rules

Nice “looking into it” btw 2 days thousands of builds not working no fix tf are uall doing can we get it fixed or rolled back PLS

While I’ve been playing Rapid Fire I spent time also collecting and upgrading items for Heartseeker so I could play that but because of how Blizzard decide to make the game it just seems too tedious and expensive to change over if it’s only going to be temporary. Don’t want to play Barb. Indulged in that ego trip part of the last three seasons and to quote LotR prefer to diminish, and go into the West and remain Galadriel.
Btw I can still clear Pit 80’s even with the arrows shooting over Boss heads but you shadow buffed those shadow clones that everyone hates, didn’t you, Blizzard, you unapologetic dicks.

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Please at least provide an update, can barely play my class, arrows shooting in every direction, even bouncing off ledges and spinning in semi circles. You have to invest so much into your character now with masterworking, it is not just simple to change build while waiting for a fix. It cant be that hard to roll back a minor change or at the very least provide some context/update.