Rip Rapid Fire Rogues

So wait they turned Rapid Fire into more of a spray and pray? That’s horrible.


I hope you are correct. Because currently there is no way this build can push past higher tier boss fights.

Someone buy something from the shop so this small company can buy a PC to test patches on before they launch.


Trash blizz with its useless updates at its finest.


I really didn’t like heart seeker gameplay . If they cook rapid fire I’ll probably go back to pen shot and twisting blades
Pray they fix it quickly as bricking a whole skill surely can’t be left unchecked


Adam says they’re looking at it, but I assume it’ll be at least a day or two before they can hot fix it.

All the RF rogues are drugged by Blizzard… Lol. They will recover.

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Releases new ring. Build unplayable with Said Ring. Absolute joke.
Hope this is Hotfix

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Glad I went heart seeker I was thinking of building up an RF set but I’m glad I held off.

any update? Can we expect a hotfix in a few hours / days or is the season over for rf players?

I hope they fix this , I was thinking of playing rapid fire the next

I love heartseeker. Feels like playing a D2 amazon. Pew Pew Pew.

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The officially commented that the teams is looking into it. Does not look intentional, so crossing fingers for you guys that they fix it quickly.

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also, shadow clone not… doing what its supposed to do.

What a s h I t show
Total incompetence on display


Go play something else then you trash can

fix is announced for Season 6.


freaking devs… why you keep destroying peaceful and well balanced builds?


They should create a helm called “hood of the crying rogue” version for diablo 4, they have one for WOW :joy:

It’s always been evident that Blizzard prefers all the other classes to Rogue. Maybe consider asking someone other than some uber player/streamer what Rogue needs.

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