Rapid Fire shooting feels awful after 1.4.1 patch NEW: *UPDATE AFTER HOTFIX*

They just pass over enemies’heads, they have 0 magnetism so damage gets dispersed into thin air, apart from having a totally randomic trajectory…


This is the definition of screwing players over. I understand it was probably a mistake in coding. But it was a bigger mistake not testing properly and sending the patch out. You essentially just bricked thousands of players builds and negated 2 weeks of hard work. So I really hope you guys do something very quickly to resolve this.


Great, spent all morning respeccing and regearing my rogue after finally get my Kiss to drop and now this. Was planning on spending my next couple days off pushing the Pit, but I guess that’s out the window. Thanks, Blizz.

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Please fix rapid fire aim… i just respected to this build… thanks devs for fixing this quick you guys would be the best


So go play PoE or last epoch , what are you doing typing on here. It’s an issue, they acknowledged it and will fix it. Why are you so entitled ? Calm down and go outside for a bit

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Was really enjoying S4, of course Ive been working rapid fire and finally climbing the pit and then today happened… and yea. It sucks to have your whole build ruined. I dont care about the range… but do you know how unsatisfying it feels to not be able to aim? To shoot arrows in random patterns feels awful and unfortunately that will probably end my return stint to D4 unless it gets fixed. I cant justifiably just go reroll and invest all of those hours because randomly my build gets dropped off a cliff because of some range issue that i didnt even know existed.

Just today rolled for this build…what a bummer. Please fix it ASAP.

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yeah fix it and make it stronger then before. cant even do lvl 70 pits while other bugged build do 140. fix it and make rapid fire stronger. spend a lot hours into this build and now its broken


Please Fix it! it was perfectly fine before, just why?


Fix it or i will leave for good.


Rogue is my only toon for this season and it’s unplayable now. so sad. Waiting for fix asap please.

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always make me down since after diablo 2.
Didn’t you check before changing it?
what kind of college club game is this?


Grinding for mats and now unplayable, lol thanks.

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I’m having the same issues, but also, my Shadow Clone isn’t using Rapid Fire with me. It will cast Puncture just fine, but it doesn’t fire any Rapid Fires with me.

Can’t now even farm at any level worth. make that use to be worth, farming at. Even before, this build takes, make that took, a lot of doing to get to the point that you don’t feel kneecapped playing it.

i hope that will fix fast i dont will play more diablo with this bug have harlequin and doombringer for that build and cant play him right with this bug…

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Really disheartening to see the one build I play gutted 2 weeks into the season… I’ll never understand why they wont test these things beforehand. Arrows fly wherever they wanna go, rarely if ever on the enemy mobs. Boss staggered? Nope, the arrows fly across the room.

Please revert this change


I have the rapid fire issue, dont have DLSS enabled in the game, nor is the value 1 in the files. Still busted

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Rogue is totally WHACKED now , you guys are just bad, just plain bad. WTF are you guys doing ?

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Hey buddy,
I noticed you only responded unkindly to the obvious woman name in the thread. You might want to question why you’re being a bully and reflect on that.