Queued for game - start game pending

Calm everyone…I am sure the issues are being worked and this is not easy work all the time…

“We’re currently investigating an issue affecting our authentication servers, which may result in failed or slow login attempts.” Posted from their twitter page

The game has been fine all throughout early access. It was the new people who broke it! :stuck_out_tongue:


When it first went live we all had issues for 30-60 minute. Can only imagine how many people didnt pre order. Or how many kids out of school are trying to get on. Big releases, with online servers. They probably had to pay for a few server farms, and wasn’t enough. Wait a month or two after its out, and they will be cutting back servers. Unless its so badass like WOW and have to keep adding

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… on PC… in after 20min wait.

yep booted without any notice for some update, and now can’t get back in. Just sitting waiting…not impressed.

Was it a game start pending wait?

Anyone predicting a DDOS attack soon? It happens every time Blizz launches something new.
Paying even money now…bets?

Now is this official launch issues or is it the shop hotfix? Nice priorities bliz.

I got kicked off on PS5 without any updates and now it wont get past the loading screen


I’ll just add into the feed back and same thing. For me I had just finished an act and was having issues using waypoints so I logged out, then it started to happen.

After a half an hour, still suck pending start game.

You’d think they would have had all the necessary infrastructure for launch day with the all that demo time prior. Then again, this is Blizzard, known to hate their payers.

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I got early access and I’ve been grinding away.
I came home from work and I was like ooooo I can’t wait for some Diablo and bam can’t login. I would be more mad but as a systems engineer I know it’s not terribly easy to scale up (fast) unless your using AWS. This seems more like something went wrong when they released a patch and the current system is not allowing users to login with a updated (newer) version of the app (when the server does version checking to ensure everyone is using the same version).

low key …
(it doesn’t matter i wanna play)
BLIZZARD… I want to play before i go to bed. Get it Together man. :smiley:


The verified streamers are at the queue for game screen too. Not a good look Blizzard.

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Totally UNACCEPTABLE I have 3 ques to go thru…all with timers that are completely inaccurate…SO HAPPY I paid for early access. I want my $$ back!


10 min queue and now stuck at game pending!!

Now it’s going from game pending, to ~4 minutes left, coundown slowly to <1 minute left, sit there for 5 minutes, then random guess for what number it’s going up to next.

restarting game…Ill take my chances, join you all in a never-ending Q. BRB

For a start-up or a small company, I can understand. But not for a titan, like Blizzard. With WoW, D3, Overwatch, and other online games, they should be able to handle this easily. But nope.

ROAR!!! a few hours to play and I wait in the queue all night.

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