Queued for game - start game pending

Game is working for me, everyone else should be able to get in

I was playing when I got kicked out still can’t get back in. 20 minutes later

Nope. Still waiting and it’s been over half an hour now.

should be able to log in now, im in game

Im in!..restart all Blizz apps and then the game
Hope it helps you

finally in…hope no more patches for a bit

It’s a server issue. Restarting will only place you back at the end of the queue. My timer is now going down. Says 7 minutes left after waiting over half an hour. Was stuck at 10 minutes.

nope…relogged and got right in

I just tried and nothing has changed other than the timer is now 4 minutes.

I’m now in the game. Apparently I lost some progress… Lovely.

I got back in and have to do a bit of a backtrack but at least was not from 0

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If early access was going to be offered for preorders on a not cheap game, then an experienced company like BLIZZARD should have it together and be more prepared. I get we are all only human, however with the issues going on compensation should be considered. In game would work fine for me but the game has to work first!

Same on ps5. I gave up and turned the game off

Down for me too. 300008

Exact same for me. Really lame.

Down for me about 2am lagged out bad couldn’t get into certain areas. Logged out came back to log in stuck at start game pending. I love blizzard game but for once I would love to see a damned smooth launch server wise every titles it’s a damn issue.

LOL yea, only hardcores should be allowed to play the game. :joy:

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Yeah, I didnt realize all it did was move my character. At first I thought I lost progress like xp, gear, ect. Glad that wasn’t the case.

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