ℹ Q&A May 2nd Livestream (includes the answers)

It is just sad to see what state the dungeons launched in considering the entire game was built around dungeons, and being repeated, and yet they didn’t do anything to facilitate that, when they had previous games to work from that did successfully have systems that worked for it.

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This has to be the most trolling post I have ever seen. They make the game they do what they want. Because you post. ah hell no I would rather go back to D2.

Let them make the game. You do not have to like it or play it. It is a an easy one or 2 side or. 0003002010 021040. poc

Why is it “trolling” to offer advice on what to fix, and to point out where they have gone wrong?

I am letting them make the game, and I don’t like it, nor am I going to play until (if) it improves. If it doesn’t, I will continue playing other, better games.

Never have I said to “go back to D2”. But there is nothing wrong with taking successful systems from previous games in the franchise that you are building and making those systems better, especially when those systems both fit the franchise, and help the actual goals of the game they made.

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I like the skill system better from D2 than D4. AT least you needed more than 2 brain cells for it.

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Yea I actually agree here. Procedural generation can make it a little less monotonous. It eventually gets to you after a while, but it does take longer.

Yea, completely agree here.

Yea this was more of a slap in the face if we’re being honest. I was expecting something a little different. We’re just doing the same fetch quests in the same setting over and over again.

Yea I can get behind this. It would definitely help.

I made some improvments. PPL thought it was too complicate but its way simpler than it looks.

Nightmare Dungeon Affixes = Nightmare Dungeon Affixes can git gud with this updated system! 👍
Dungeon Rarity = Dungeon Rarity brings all the boys to the yard! 😂

Those ideas are fine, but they need to be put on top of already fixed dungeons. Current dungeons just with different affixes to pull from just doesn’t help, as dungeons as designed are just monotonous.

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Well the cant procedure them. So what can they do? Adding a way to alter the way they operate with different enemies and such is what my system does but maybe its not enough? So what else? A POE addition of mapping affixes like this (seems close to my other system):

Cultists Complex - (4 of 6 affixes)
Hardcore: +25% elites. Map only has 1 life.
Ancestral: Map drops extra ancestral items. Map contains extra ghosts.
Webbed: Bonus 20% of enemies as spiders. Players lose half their movement speed bonus.
Dark: 15% more enemies. 50% less light and light radius.

To add an affix on dungeon you go to the occultist and pay gold and new drop called map fragments. Dungeons can drop with 0- 6 affix and unique dungeons are added as well with up to 9 affix. Unique dungeons always have same affixes.
0 to 1 affix: 5k gold and 1 fragment
1 to 2 affix: 10k gold and 2 fragments
2 to 3 affix to 20k gold and 4 fragments
3 to 4 affix to 40k gold and 8 fragments
4 to 5 affix to 80k gold and 16 fragments
5 to 6 affix to 160k gold and 32 fragments

0 affix = no name change
1 affix = Den
2 affix = Cave
3 affix = Cavern
4 affix = Complex
5 affix = Maze
6 affix = Labyrinth

Why could they not procedurally generate the dungeons?

Seems too intensive to do anymore. Is any ARPG game doing that now?

I mean D4 is with the Pits, LE does it with their endgame content, PoE with their maps. Same basic principle anyway. Would be a slap in the face to the dungeon designers of course, but it would break up the monotony.

Don’t know how many really did it in the first place. Diablo 1 was the pioneer, and Diablo 2 expanded on it. Then Diablo 3 forgot about it being a thing that defined the Diablo franchise (until they reintroduced it in a way with Rifts), and D4 seems to continue D3’s trend of ignoring it, until they reintroduce it with the Pit.

Considering I think the dungeon designers have really failed at their job overall, a slap in the face is needed. They need a wakeup call of some sort, as dungeons are abysmal. They are not well designed at all, even with the changes they have made to them from the initial launch.

Are the D3 rifts and Pit really randomnly generated or is there just like 24 templates or something it can load? I dont think anything has really been generated since D1.

[Separate thing] I hope they spent some time by S5 bringing considerable changes to uniques.

I know they are working on it and things take time, but with uniques more accessible to lower tiers, I think it will definitely shake things up a lot more and provide more chase items if they can substantially increase the variety and longevity (able to build up more) of the uniques (maybe I’m just daydreaming, but hopefully we can get at least 6+ more uniques per class with not just damage-multiplier focused effects by then).

Not sure about whether there are templates or not, honestly. If they aren’t that just makes them worse. D2 absolutely had procedurally generated levels. They also have designed sections too for certain areas, but the majority of dungeon levels, as well as the overland, were procedurally generated.

Agreed, they did mention they went over ‘some’ uniques but not all of them, so hopefully by the time S5 hits, we’ll see more changes coming to uniques in general. I actually found Razorplate on my leveling necro during the PTR, got it at around level 39 I want to say, it was great. Sadly it didn’t have the changes they mentioned on it today, but it was cool to see at such a lower level.

There’s a decent amount now that don’t have damage-multiplier focused effects on them, but would definitely like to see more, I agree.

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I think like a lot of us, I am reserving judgement, however, I see them listening at least. There is a lot of positivity in this upcoming change. I would just argue, we are still playing a game we paid for that has beta vibes :).

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a well deserved forum GOAT :smiley:

thanks once more! =)


I’d say more like 90% before 100, 10% after.
Of course then also taking significantly longer to reach 100.


Yeah. Also the Atlas I would say. Creating a sense of progression in endgame itself. Which is important when character progression is starting to ebb out at that point.

Eh, everyone can see (and Blizzard admits) that they are going in blindly, and doing what some players are yelling about, rather than what their vision was.

Heck, it is rare that I find positive things to say about D3, but even D3s rune system is better than D4s current skill tree. It is just so insanely shallow.

Yep. Dungeon design kinda need a remake. Too linear, too similar, not enough varied content in them.
Being a Dungeon Crawler needs to be the focus again. Since people are talking about old Diablo games, the game they really should take dungeon inspiration from is Diablo 1 imo. Make each dungeon feel like a trip into one or more floors in Diablo 1. With quests, secrets etc. to find.

Mixed with a dungeon modifier system somewhat like PoE.

D3 was procedurally generated, but since some people complained about the “RNG”, they reduced it more and more, so it pretty much might feel like a few templates at this point. Also, many D3 maps just didnt have much RNG opportunities in them in the first place, like the outdoor maps, due to the outer boundaries being static.

Bwahaha! What lies. D1’s procedural generation could be broken by adjusting your PC clock.

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