Pilot? or Anjin?!?!?
That is the 6th class we are missing in the game! Would be so epic. And of course, we already know what the animation graphics would look like with the ruler wands…
Everquest II had this. It made skills for ppl up to adept III I think it was. Scribe tradecraft. I made tons of plat doing it.
You’re missing the most important part of that sentence.
I’m on the last episode myself, great series.
How so? Which part of the sentence did I miss?
I quoted it brother.
And I addressed it. That is the problem with their focus. If they make the whole game fun to play, there would be no need to continue to keep adding content to the “endgame”, as the whole game will be fun, and it will also improve the content that already exists for the endgame.
50% of the game should be content to 100 and then 50% should be content after 100. This is a good way to go.
That sounds appropriate to me, but the content also needs to be fun to run regardless of where it is in the game. The issue is that the majority of the content in the game is so boring and repetitive that people want to hurry through to get to the end, as that has the only moderately interesting part (the loot hunt).
That has been a problem in many games. POE did fight this by giving the campaign some meaningful choices but it was only a handful of choices. Content has to be meaningful I agree.
I think improving dungeons and character progression would go a long way towards helping.
Iggi thank you for all you do
Iggi is the bestest in the westest.
I agree to an extent. Going off of previous iterations of the game there’s typically one of two paths games take.
- Upon creating a new character you are forced to go through the campaign again, regardless of how many times you’ve completed it before.
This typically applies to most ARPGs, such as D1, D2, PoE, Torchlight games, Last Epoch (to an extent), and obviously others.
It’s a very repetitive process that either just continues and increases in difficulty which eventually caps with no real endgame content such as with D2. Or it opens up brand new options after completion for endgame content, such as with PoE and Last Epoch.
In most cases though, a player who has at least played through the campaign once typically will blitz through subsequent play throughs with the goal of reaching the endgame as fast as possible. The joy of going through the campaign and leveling processes tends to lose its luster after repeating it so many times.
People tend to gravitate toward ‘completing’ their character faster, or at least get it to a decent starting point where they can focus on activities that are more relevant in the endgame.
- Upon completing the campaign at least once you are able to skip it with any new character you create afterwards.
Obviously this applies to D3, D4, and sadly I’m not sure of any others.
This model has the same issues as the one mentioned above. While you may have skipped the campaign you’ll still be repeating the same activities until you hit the level cap and even beyond that.
D3 you essentially did nothing but rifts and eventually greater rifts. D4 is soon going to be mostly Helltides and Dungeons from level 1, with a few added world events you can participate in of course but those won’t change going into the late game activities, if anything you’ll just become more active in participating with them. At least once you hit WT4 you have more avenues to explore as limited as they might be right now.
Now while I agree with you that the game should be fun from beginning to end, it’s a hard balance to strike, and currently, at least in my opinion, no game has done this successfully in the ARPG market, yes this includes D2. I could easily give examples why, but this post is long enough. It’s also completely subjective and just my opinion.
The trick is to mitigate the repetition with systems that support it. Diablo 1 and 2 both had extensive procedural generation within their dungeons. This helped to facilitate repeated playthroughs. Titan Quest had areas that unlocked upon higher difficulties being played. Other ideas are increasing the dungeon sizes as you progress through the game. Making dungeons actually feel different from one another would also help. Secret rooms to find, unique events, hidden bosses, extra unlockables, randomized quests. All of this helps mitigate the repetition.
Having the bosses all be the same every time you face them, along with their “arenas” that you face them in also make the game feel repetitive. The events you run into all being the same, everywhere you go. The “unlock mechanics”. The “middle room” of fighting a bunch of mobs with no drops/xp… All of this makes the dungeon experience feel bad.
Couple this with the Nightmare dungeon aspect not really changing the overall experience of the dungeons, simply making it even more of a “rush to the end” with the glyph system just make dungeons as a whole feel repetitive to a huge degree, and something people just don’t want to do.
And fixing the dungeons would help the regular leveling experience, and the endgame as well, along with making the repetition behind restarting constantly a lot less annoying.
I really liked the mapping system where you are doing dungeons but each can be so different because of all the affixes that maps could have and be extra rewarding but hard. Something like torchlight or POE system really worked here. I think that is one of the few things poe really nailed was endgame mapping.
It is just sad to see what state the dungeons launched in considering the entire game was built around dungeons, and being repeated, and yet they didn’t do anything to facilitate that, when they had previous games to work from that did successfully have systems that worked for it.
This has to be the most trolling post I have ever seen. They make the game they do what they want. Because you post. ah hell no I would rather go back to D2.
Let them make the game. You do not have to like it or play it. It is a an easy one or 2 side or. 0003002010 021040. poc
Why is it “trolling” to offer advice on what to fix, and to point out where they have gone wrong?
I am letting them make the game, and I don’t like it, nor am I going to play until (if) it improves. If it doesn’t, I will continue playing other, better games.
Never have I said to “go back to D2”. But there is nothing wrong with taking successful systems from previous games in the franchise that you are building and making those systems better, especially when those systems both fit the franchise, and help the actual goals of the game they made.