PTR forced me to quit S4

I wanted to level a Sorc from lvl 1. I attempted a build with no defensive abilities. It worked, but I never made it to the end game. Quit at lvl 70.

I cheated with full Obols and all the gold, but even with all that it was miserable. Couldn’t even get equipped with full rare gear and I was unable to do dps that matched my level. I had to gamble to get full Legendary to move to WT3. This won’t be possible on the live realm. Game is broken.


Good thing you haven’t pre-purchased the expansion yet. :wink:

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But what if they run out of digital copies :clown_face: ?


come on man, 99percent of those that come on the forum crying about how they quit the game,. have never quit the game…lol


We had a guy on the D3 forum every other month he said he quit. He was the forum clown. :clown_face:


Thats true, lol 100%. Good point.

Guess i dont have much to looose.

I can get more better at playing because right now im pretty okay.

The best part of this is that you can effect a bunch of things.

Wink to you grammar and spelling police. Git sum zoloft for you ocd policing for game forums.

It doesnt feel nice when you realize that going from season to season there is a 99% chance that the build you ground your tush to make work for 3 months is going to be bricked. Look for offline games - Grim Dawn, Iquisitor Martyr, D2R with mods, Titan Quest with mods.

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happened the same to me, i tested my staff of the crone druid build because i wanted to test the thunderstruck nerf and if they don’t properly buff druids my build wouldn’t even be viable for helltide farming, don’t even think about trying pit 61 or higher.
This PTR has been terrible for many reason, the main one, in my opinion, is that we don’t have all the new updated stats on old uniques nor do we have a sense of where blizzard is going with druids and sorcs in terms of class balance.

Ah yes, threads like these are why the forums are so damn hard to leave lol.

This is basically how the activision community acts. The CJ crowd even resorting to basic insults nowadays lol. And you guys want more social options in d4?



Yes. You’re the only one. Most people think that the PTR is a copy of S4 with S5 content ontop of it and when they see all these bugged out, broken things they think it’s the new norm for S5 when it’s not.

The PTR is running on its own isolation and who knows when they took the copy for the server (months ago I suspect when S5 development started). Remember that they are working on Season 6 already and they are probably already working on S7 and Expansion and so forth and all those have their own internal PTRs.

Blizzard does themselves a disservice by doing this with the PTR but they will also learn at some point and better understand the limited understanding their consumers has when it comes to development.

So. Don’t worry about, S5 will be just fine once they install the new, final, code ontop of the S4 stuff. They still got another 5-6 weeks or whatever before it goes live to polish.

Enjoy S4 and finish it :slight_smile:

Care to expand?

It’s been commonly accepted that D3’s poor performance after vanilla sales changed the long term trajectory of the game over time - hence there wasn’t enough critical mass to do a full expac and so they ended up cannibalizing the content and just having a necro class release.

missed this - you read the whole exchange right?

So ivy league is actually a sports based league right? So there have been schools with high academic caliber that have been invited to join the league but have declined because it would mean having to take nerds in 3rd dviison to 1st division play - which many do not want to do due to cost of upgrading their program - hiring talent - providing scholarships.

Not sure which boards you are referencing or other agreements :slight_smile:

Whas your point, genius?

Unless you’ve completed an honest scientific statistical analysis somehow, you’re merely talking out of your ash.

Your claim is a small % of player sentiments can be found written here on the D4 forums because only a small % of player base posts here. Where’s tha data? Right…shut the heck up thx babe, you poor simple person.

Season 4 - Morale high, numbers good - yes, admittedly there were problems but it seemed like they were fairly easy fixes and the devs would do something.
Season 5 PTR - …no words.

WTG dropping morale and pissing off or alienating the playerbase at the cusp of the games 1st Expansion VoH! :pinching_hand: :clap: (don’t worry trolls I’m not making it a blanket statement or saying “we” - just read forums, sm sites and cc’s vids - ie. Playerbase)


Same. I’m feeling disheartened.
Doesn’t help that while I’m trying to express an opinion in another post about how the changes in season 5 are essentially going to destroy all of my builds, most commenters are just toxic trolls who are here to 5#!7 on people.

you know this is probably part of the reason why the team didn’t want ptr’s in the first place.

i guess they knew that A / B teams could be an issue with this type of result.

And so you decided to leave the game but are for some ungodly reason still on the forums.


Sorry, but I just don’t understand why. You are basically allowing a game you dislike to occupy space in your head rent free.


That is fair. There are plenty of games out there right now that are great. I have not participated in the PTR cuz I kind of burned myself out with how much I played season 4. Also, I’m hearing too much negativity surrounding this PTR.
Take a break and have fun with another game. Come back and check out S5 to see if any good changes were made or just wait till the expansion. D4 will be here still.

If they’re the forum clown, what does that make you? The forum simp? S5 is cooked, it will be a disaster and anyone with half a brain can see that coming. They have a month to ‘fix’ S5, which is not a long time.


yeah bad game for sure,one shot s.h.i.t pit,bosses buffed to max .actually will not waste more time to list all bad stuff in this half product they call game.

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The PTR did exactly the same thing to me. It completely took away my motivation to continue playing Season 4. I think the reason for this is that Season 4 gave me the impression that Diablo 4 is about to kick off and is on the right track shortly before the release of the addon. I also think the mid-season patch is very good. I really thought that diablo 4 would really gain momentum now.

However, the PTR shows that it’s not like that after all and is going back again.

What a pity.