PTR forced me to quit S4

oph io didn’t take it personally, I took it as entertainment. Thanks. Have a great day.

For S4 PTR I logged in every day and played for multiple hours each time and provided a lot of feedback and bug reports. Of course all the feedback was completely ignored and there were numerous bugs that I reported which were not addressed for the launch of S4. Obviously my feedback was not something special or unique, there were many threads giving the same feedback just with different words.

For S5 PTR I logged in for I would say 40 min or so and then just never logged back since then. I played a little more of the season after and stopped logging in for days now. So no, you’re not the only one who stopped playing after experiencing the S5 PTR.

I’m a barb player and I know people like to complain about barbs a lot etc. but for me the game play and the end game activities are more important than class balance. I care more about playing the game than with which class I’m playing the game. I’m not saying people who care about class balance are wrong I just think that right now having a meaningful end game system/s is more important than anything else and I’m disappointed to see that players don’t seem to care as much as they care about class balance.

Anyway, I would suggest either quitting the game until it is in a state that makes you want to play or just roll with the punches like I am. I already accepted that this game is not going to improve and I’m just enjoying it for what it is until I have other options such as PoE2, TQ2 and various other game that are not necessarily ARPGS. Looking forward to Black Myth WuKong and Doom The Dark Ages.

it’s just a bummer that the helmet has almost nothing to do with core abilities. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

No but you can go edit it, because it makes you look stupid and dumb. I hate when people are both stupid and dumb. Makes me “loose” my girlfriend … I mean mind. I loose my mind


I care more about responding to this than fixing that, that’s how much I care.

How dumb are you … +Ranks to core skills… Spending resource grants up to 125x. So a WW/HoTa Barb is gonna be all over this helmet idiot


lil dude…shooking surprise for you now! :astonished: —>

the 125% work for all damage, just spend a bit rescoure and then enjoy 125% on basic attack + 300% with the new sword…

basic attacks do even more damage with this new uniques…

the +core …nobody cares…, just manage the resource spending

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Well i formyself i m really entrusted of the state of the PTR but was planning to quit s4 anyway just play a bit ptr and take a FFxiv break i suppose its a common shedule which don’t correlate with good or bad

As much as Tempering needs to be changed and with how much fun I had in Season 04, the Patch notes for 05 and going into the PTR has left me deflated and let down.

Infernal Hordes that are boring and unrewarding, fancy purple items and crap Class Balance is not exciting.

Havent played the game for 7 days now because of bad rng and it feels good. I am sure if i grinded those 7 days i ended up with the same. No shako’s.

Ofc i like to play games but it also should be rewarding.

Btw its a loot game. Loot should drop and not crafted.

Nice save from chat gpt. Can you elaborate on ivy league equivalence and the perameters therin? How were the agreements to acknowledge made, or what boards were responsible?

S5 is a death knell for the game the 4k post forum sicophants can celebrate people leaving, they always do on forums. Then they cry about dead servers later.

This game is still swinging wildly all over the place balance-wise. They seem to be throwing stuff at the wall. No overarching design, no path, just ad hoc. S4 is the end of D4’s short run, once the real competition arrives this shell of a game will drain players.

Some people like our 4-5k post count fans here will continue to play, emotional investment and all, but most will move on to a game that has been thought-out and build by one team since day one, for free on console or PC back & forth - for free.

Enjoy your $100 expac, lol.


Only you can do what you want, nobody tell you what to do! Have a nice summer! :cherry_blossom:

I think I might wait until season 6, when the season 2/4 team is developping. I noticed the extreme quality difference between season 3 and 4.

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That’s not why there was no second expansion.

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I also thought that before i saw that dmn sword 300%[ X ]basic & turn basic to energycost to share Lucion :scream: Seems Devs cant forget their Well-Designed Basic Skills.
We core skill even donot have a 100[ X ]parts of unique :face_holding_back_tears:.

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The new sword makes basic skills spend resource also…so technically the helmet can work for that also. Just fyi, this is not a Core over Basic situation.

Fare thee well, Shako.

You’re not the only one. I am disappointed that the PTR received no updates or patches to fix issues for additional testing. Just like Season 4, they will just go forward with releasing a untested patch, and we’ll suffer with tons of broken stuff for another whole season. They definitely made my decision to not buy the expansion less regrettable.


No your not the only one, Me and my Wife are feeling exactly the same way and Im moving on to Last Epoch cycle 2 and then cant wait for PoE2, we even decieded not to pre order Vessel of Hatred. I feel like season 4 was a desperate attempt to draw interest to buy the xpack but much of what I dont like about D4 still exists. Im tired of hoping they do great things thier budget is wasted on marketing and not placed in engaging gameplay. The world bosses are a joke, the lack of meaninful multiplayer is a joke , the itemization is a joke, the Dark fanatasy world with puppies in it is a joke. This game tried to appeal to EVERYONE and has satisfied NO ONE! Im tired of it, maybe I will be back when they actually put a Paladin in but by then Im gonna be soooo deep in PoE2 they probly wont ever get me back, what a waste.