PTR forced me to quit S4

Having no vision or hope on ptr.
Compltely crushed my mind to play the rest of the season.

Am I the only one feeling like this?
If there are only dumbsters on the road, should I even try to walk through?

It just forced me to quit the season4.
I dont know if I will be back in S5 unless they show some fair balanced update notes.


Thanks for letting us know I can rest easy now. :+1:


Omg the PTR made me turn to religion. Jesus will save this game cuz the dev def won’t


Just watching chain lightening sorc clear pit 100 made me wanna quit lol
I mean, thx those for testing it but even reading the unique effect is enough for me to quit

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I cant believe you care enough to post! You must be resting easier now.

On the serious side, very common to give up on a game when you see the direction it is going looks bad.

Especially if you are on eternal because at least with seasons, everyone is starting off with the same garbage, but in eternal you are getting yanked around.


Shrug, all these people celebrating other people leaving - this is called spite, people.

Cut off your nose to spite your face.

Loosing players is never a good thing. This post probably represents a lot more people deciding to quit - which makes the game harder to support when you have less activity and sales of cosmetics.

The name of the game is to FARM your players, not to lose them.

You should want all the cry babies to stay so you have critical mass to keep game dev at least funded enough that the board will greenlight ongoing active development and expenditures.

Albeit if you all hate d4, then spite is right and D5 should come sooner than later as support for D4 will die faster.

D3 lost second expansion because of this.


Same thing happened to me. I was playing S4 almost every day, I wanted to see how the stuff in the PTR felt - it was real rough and I just can’t bring myself to play S4 for whatever reason.


No one cares honestly I’m not trying to anger you either the ppl who post here would be less then 1% of the player base.

Have your rant move on …we all will

Season 5 will be another season for Core skill. U are all misled by this helmet… 125x on core skill season 5… Crown of Lucion… Rethink your basic skill mindset

If no one cares, including you, people wouldn’t be posting at all.

So there’s some gain here, no? Whether or not it’s egocentricity / narccistic / self righteous behavior - people are getting something out of it.

I daresay whatever it is - it’s petty.

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It’s all good OP, most of us left long ago.

Game sucks, forums are hilarious, devs are in fact still mongo.

But for the love of the god, why help the mongos out by being an unpaid tester on the PTR? Just let it go man, this franchise died long ago when blizzard dropped trou and bent over for their activision overlords over a familiar stain in the middle of the Cosby Suite.



There is also the sword that gives 300% basic dmg and +basic skill. Bash is still good. Arc lash is good. Not sure about other classes.

If anything is going to be season of uniques again. They are powerful even without tempers.

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I’m starting to lose my fkn mind. Its losing not loosing, wtf kinda education taught you how to spell. Go look up loosing and stop using the word unless you’re describing your girlfriend


Ptr made me stop playing ptr. But I’m still blasting s4.


I didn’t even play the PTR but it was part of why I uninstalled…

Reading reviews/news about it and some decisions the devs are making makes me wonder wth are they thinking…

You read all the negative feedback about Pit boss shadows and one shot mechanisms… what the devs do? They add Torment Stacks to it

Negative feedback about how weak Druids currently are… what the devs do? Nothing… wait, not fair… they boost a super weak skill that nobody uses

Negative feedback about how OP barbs are… what the devs do? boost barbs even more…

Not to mention the trillions of damage and some other stuff… I think D4 needs a new Product Management team


Oni, love the grammar warriors.

I have the worst grammar ever.

I have no way to defend how poorly I write my posts. Being that I have an international baccalueate and an equivalent ivy league education, master in biochemistry, phd in biology, an executive MBA from wharton, I still write poorly.


you still misuse the word loosing for lose. all that degree don’t make you smart. get over your ego


Your not two smart my friend.

I’m sure you udnerstand now though :wink:

I’m not, its ok. I don’t try to flash my degree and still misuse simple words though. still come off as an idiot though thanks for trying

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so oni, I’ll be real honest here just for you.

I don’t have all those degrees and I wouldn’t necessarily mention what my full backround is, but I will tell you that spelling warriors adn grammar police are my favorite responses on forums.

Im sure you can tell why it si though (ending with preosition for you)