PS5 to PS4 trophies not auto popping

Your characters are tied to your Bnet so when you create a new account you won’t have any characters anymore. You can however reconnect your existing Bnet account and everything will return


Sounds like a great plan i checked it out but its warning me i wont be able to login back in for a year thats crazy but just confirmed it works going to be able to do the requirements for for the rest of the trophies creating a new battlenet was a great fix around thaks much appreciated


Just would like to confirm again before I did it…

If I’m not remembering wrong…there’s a 1 year cooldown unlink the PSN and blizzard account.

So when you mean after tied with a new blizzard account to get the trophy, your PSN still can tied back to the original blizzard account?


I will say that I only had my account unlinked for about an hour while I got the last PvP trophy. But yes I was able to relink my previous account without any issue


I tried this through the playstation menu. It said that if i did this, it would be a year before i could connect a new blizzard account to my playstation. Can you verify that this isn’t true?

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You can link the PSN account directly on the Blizzard website. And not in the Playtation menu. Enjoy :wink:


I checked it out. I’m stll gettng the 1 year warning. “There will be a 1 year cooldown before you can connect a new account for Playstation Network.”

I logged in via my computer and everything as you suggested

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Yes another account… But after having made the trophies you will reconnect the same account. So that doesn’t pose a problem :wink:

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With update 1.27 live, looks like Blizzard will NEVER acknowledge this problem because the platinum/trophy hunting community is small. I read in this thread that even support said that there was no issue with autopopping trophies.

You would think having a look at the forums, they will quickly see that IT IS a big problem, but yet here we are with incompetent people who cannot even scan forums for actual problems correctly.

For anyone that is still having issues with achievements/trophies unlocking, t3ck77 has a solution/workaround. See below

Good luck fellow trophy/achievement hunters! Blizzard is useless! So we cannot rely on them.

EDIT: Worked like a charm and finally got my platinum for PS4. The warning about the 1 year before connecting did not affect my accounts. I was able to connect and disconnect more than once freely. :smiley:


Same problema, start on PS4, now on ps5, dont have trophy taken on ps4


Just to update that it works perfectly for me…
So I realized that it did say 1 year cooldown but it means “new” account, which means when you unlink it, your unlinked PSN will have 1 year cooldown to link another blizzard account…but to the original blizzard account it’s not a new PSN…. So don’t worry just do it….

BTW…. Unfortunately my last missing trophy is “Chaotic Whispers”…it takes me god damn 2 days….which is really painful…
Ridiculous issue…

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Does this reset all trophies or just unlock ability to get them again?

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Since your characters are tied to your BattleNet account, you’re essentially playing with a new account. So a fresh slate to get all your trophies again.

Once you are done getting all the trophies that you need, simply unlink your PSN from your new Battlenet and link it back to your original Battlenet account and you will have all your original characters back.


Worked for me too - PS4 platinum finally done. I didn’t get hit with any cooldowns. Thanks again to t3ck77 for confirming the method works.

Good luck to everyone who decides to wait it out for a patch fix…


After building another level 100 character on another account, finally platinum on PS4 & PS5 :ok_hand:
Do this technique because given the number of views on this post and no reaction from the developers I think it will never be corrected :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: :skull_and_crossbones:


Can you relink your old following the same process? Only ask because I have Diablo 2 on the go as well.

Thank you.

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Can someone share information regarding sup3rscotty’s question?

It’s the PSN account that you link to your account and not the other way around.
So you can easily resume your old account and re-link your PSN account :wink:

Nice solution!
Did somebody try to do all of the above and then link the PSN account back to check for auto pop?
I don’t want to do all of the trophies again on PS4 in 30 FPS :frowning:
Still hoping for the fix on this one

Yeah got this problem yesterday. PS5 I just need lvl 50 hardcore for platinum and went on PS4 with only 6 trophies auto popping :expressionless:

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