Potent Blood stuck in Blood Well

I popped the Blood Well to receive the Potent Blood. The Potent Blood spawned inside of the well, and I was unable to pick it up.


This is happening for me as well. I’m on my sorceress. I’ve tried teleporting over the well, evading, running around it both on and off of my mount. Not able to pick up Potent Blood from a blood well. I’d attach a screenshot but, it doesn’t appear I have that option. NA, PC, Hardcore, Torment/WT4, the wells were in Kotama Grasslands of the Dry Steppes. Haven’t been on long so I don’t know if it’s like this everywhere but, I’m betting all wells are dropping the Potent Blood the same.


I’ve had the same thing happen three different times today in different zones. Hopefully this is fixed soon.

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Same here. Just came looking to file a bug report.

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yes very frustrating , happens to me alot too only since this patch


Same. came to report the same thing

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Same, doesn’t seem to care which dungeon I’m in. The blood spawns inside every well I’ve used today.

Just happened to me too. 8 different stacks of blood popped out totaling 57 blood and its all in the middle of the fountain and I can’t pick it up. Evading or Teleporting through the fountain does not work either.

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Same issue. Here’s a video of the issue: https://app.clickup.com/t/86ctvqbzq that shows it happening.

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I have the same issue. https ://imgur .com/a/Cdft4Hk

One thing about this though; you can go back and pick up the blood, if you haven’t left the zone and after the well despawns. The blood will still be where the well was. Who knows how long that takes though.


The same thing happened to me as well. Well will not despawn in dungeon however.

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It is happening to me also. :grimacing:

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same, but will have to try check to see if it despawned so i can pick it up

Ditto. twice today. Never happened before. Tried same as above, even gating to town and back.

Yep, happened twice today to me too. The potent blood usually falls outside of the well and we can run around and pick it up. But now it just spawns in the center of the well and is out of reach no matter what you do around the well (mounting up, trampling, charging, etc.)
A similar bug is happening with some cursed chests, where the mobs come out from the chest but are stuck at the spawning point and are stacked together on the chest. I can kill them, but sometimes at the end, there’s 1 mob that’s invisible and you gotta use some AOE or something to get it.

Bumping this, Happened to me during the seasonal story quest.

Same issue here. Blood is dropped in the pool and no way to get it.

Happened to me as well.

FYI, if you town portal back-and-forth you might enter an instance where the fountain doesn’t exist, but your loot still will. I was eventually able to get two stacked blood fountains worth of blood that had fallen to the middle by using town portal.

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Same here, happens consistently on new sorc