Post campfire: anyone feel better? I kind of do

I think this is the first time blizz devs are going to give info on upcoming changes…

addressing inventory: +1 stash tab and elixir stacking with help a lot and is a start
and making it easier to switch builds

heck i might be a sucker , but im feeling hopeful


keep your expectations low until we got that 1.1.1 patch notes.


Pfft. Stuff should have been in pre release. Pushed out an OP version to rake in sales


No, it’s worse than I thought. They’re making decisions based on data analysis, which while good for somethings, never says WHY people are doing something.

“We noticed an overusage of CDR, so we nerfed that”

instead of

“WHY are people using CDR?”


i thought they said some of the QoL was in this upcoming patch…

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jokes on you

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cautiously optimistic, I’ll give them another chance since they really do seem passionate plus I was impressed that they basically took all the questions I had been wondering about, feels good to at least hear them talk about them

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I got this homemade oil I’d like to sell you that’s a cure-all for any type of illness. And also this bridge you may be interested in.

You’re a sucker and should feel bad for getting hoodwinked.

Nope…check back in a year or 2…



I heard a lot of we noticed a lot of things wrong like nightmare dungeons being impossible to complete and leveling is longer than it should be, but we didn’t do anything about it and just dumped all over our player base.

I also didn’t hear anything close to an apology in there.


Feel a lot worse, they talk about having fun us the biggest part of the game then say we’re going to do somethings we can’t say yet but it will be a few weeks. Trash dev team they could of ended the stream 10mins in and we would have the same information we have now


Devs are the real heros here. hotfix today and a patch next week? that’s incredibly fast.

but yeah, this instills a lot of confidence in the team for me. Seems like they get it. might be a couple more seasons for some of the stuff that i expected to be in from the beginning, but it’s going to happen.

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My biggest complaints over the patch was XP and CDR nerfs. They seem to changing XP so that’s good. Seems like most the talking about CDR was just customer service speak though.

I guess I’ll see what these hotfix patch notes look like before I decide if I’ll log back in or not. Still haven’t since Patch 1.1 was released.


100% this.

They’re looking at raw data in a vacuum it feels like. They aren’t applying context and addressing the underlying reasons for the data they’re seeing.


It would be great if something good was actually in this hotfix but with this dev team chances are pretty slim

Called damage control on a live service game, when your community use the uninstall button.

Game can only create money, when the game is installed and played.

1 yes 1 stash tab
-40% respec cost…yay i will pay 6m in place of 10m.
NM density and helltide up… could be 1 mob per pack lol.

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Im actually considering making another email just to give them another 0…

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Never stocked up on enough elixirs that it was ever an issue. How about they address that gems only stack to 50? Fix that one and 1/2 the inventory problems will go away

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The main takeaway I got is they nerfed the fun for sake of balance without improving other aspects to offset that. So if CDR is nerfed, they should have looked at CD on skills across the board and rebalanced.

So unfortunately, few immediate updates for that kind of stuff, but there will be some welcome changes the community wants soon. Can understand why people wanna bounce still, but not a terrible discussion. Glad they mentioned sorc and barb for targeted changes.