Explosive Forum Entries Here We Come!

This technically should be able to be posted on all platform spectrums of Diablo 4, but let’s see what people have to say and how they feel about today’s conference video. We know the Diablo 4 team isn’t going to create a forum entry so that people can vent right now. Let’s hope they make a forum entry in the future to allow people to vent and help them with feedback. Will they actually listen to the customers? It doesn’t look promising, but there is always a 1 out of a 25% chance they’ll listen at least once.

I can see other people have created forum entries bringing up the same subject. I’ll link them so everyone sticks together.

There are other forum entries, but they are just starting and talking about the same things as the other two forum entries I’m posting.

Note: This will be updated periodically. It’s also helping me keep track of these two forum entries which appear to be very active.