Post campfire: anyone feel better? I kind of do

They talked about that and they said that the additional 1 stash tab will help on this

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Exactly this. “Oh people are overusing this defensive aspect…we gotta nerf that.” Not “WHY are people overusing and relying on a defensive aspect” it’s because we’re getting rekt and now it’s worse lol


yep they said something about making the gems materials, not sure when. i was working at the same time so i missed some stuff

Gonna take more than 1 stash tab to fix.


its a start, maybe they will put some way for us to get more stash like drop/dung/achievement/quest…

Im just glad its not in the store for 9.99 per stash tab lol

Historically - this has got to be one of the worst gaming communities ever.

These players are literally ready to start issuing threats to the devs - over a video game.

Society is so slumped and subverted when gamers can interpret good information in a way that it appears as if its making them even more stupid. How is that possible?

I dont even care anymore - call me what you want. I really dont think anyone who comes here to express their anger and hatred and disappointment has EVER given a good reason that is worth supporting for what this game offers that causes them to behave the way they do.

There is no excuse for the behavior of this community. None.


But even then are they still just going to be 50 in a stack? Multiples lines in the stash window ‘Royal Sapphire - 50’, right under it another entry ‘Royal Sapphire - 50’, etc…

stop with this nonsense, a single person saying something unhinged on twitter does not remotely represent an entire community.

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Because , we are the QA dept. If the players use it too much, it must be good.

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If you eliminate some of the fanboy/haters i think there are alot of folks who really want blizz games to succeed.

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While I didn’t like/love the last patch my judgement on the team was going to come in season 2 when more of the immediate release feedback could be implemented.

I took nothing away from the campfire chat as I would assume it was heavily scripted as a response an thus handle or managed by people who knows how to handle this

The initial mood of all participants shows the team knows they’ve let their customers down.
This is a live service product and it’s in Blizzard’s best financial interest to make a fun & engaging game.
We’ll see what the team is capable of moving forward.
They’ve outlined some important commitments and they need time to apply their improvements.

I hope those guys have some time to cooldown and relax over the weekend because they all appeared to take the criticisms pretty seriously.

Regarding the +1 stash tab, it’s obviously not good enough.
The D4 team needs to be clear whether this is part of a plan to offer paid stash tabs or not.


I don’t feel convinced on the defense about CDR overshadowing other stats. It’s not like other stats are far more useful??? CDR is not needed on most skills.

btw, it is 1 stash tab only?? I heard its also expanding to 99 slots.

Even buying all of POE’s tabs I’m half of D4’s cost. And no I’m never buying a cosmetic for a top down game.

I will admit to buying 20 buck underwear in Black Desert though. Not to mention pets.

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Explain the nonsense, since it is likely you havent been around this forum long enough…

Honestly no. All they keep doing is dangling a carrot in front of use to keep moving, but I think most of us are tired of chasing after promises.

What this dev stream showed me is that this is an early access game. It was nowhere close to being ready in terms of creating an end game loop.

The only good part of the stream is that Rod Fergusson wasn’t their to talk about dumb shlt.

I liked it a lot. I think last patch would have been received way better if they included the nerf to high nm. I don’t care if my build doesn’t work anymore, it was clearly op anyways, as long as I have other builds to play. This change alone will prbly make me come back to the game since this should make it possible to actually play through the game with a larger variety of builds. If they only gave us more stashtabs I would be pretty happy for now.

I appreciate them SAYING they acknowledged the feedback. I’ll actually feel better when they back it up and its more than just promises.

I feel better about some things. Not all though. I made a post saying so but to be shameless and put it here:

In regards to stating “we’ll still fix bugs quickly”:
Respectfully, I consider broken resistances a very big bug and I have not seen a “quick” correction of this. 4-ish months from game release is not a quick response. This very big bug is felt most on sorc since resistances are all over their paragon boards and getting defense elsewhere is very limited.
-Armor, in my opinion, should not have been heavily nerfed until AFTER resistances are fixed.
-Giving sorcs a heart that increases resists… how does one, given current circumstances, NOT take this as an insult?

EDIT: Multiple times in the chat the following was said “We don’t want to take something away without providing something to compensate.” This also, for the purposes of taking armor away before resistances are fixed, is completely against what was spoken as Blizzard policy regarding the game.

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Why do you need any gems in your inventory? You can run any nm dungeon and have a whole page of flawless in about 10 minutes that you can quickly craft into whatever you need

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