Popular opinion: new patch did nothing meaningful

It’s not a bad patch. But yea… Definitely not the patch they hyped it up to be. At all.

They talked about necro buffs and other than minions engaging with a curse… Really not much there.

Rather disappointed how’s much they hyped this patch.


Wait so you can go 1-100 in sub 5 minutes with a carry now? This I would have to see…

personaly first i had done give all generaters just 1 rank to put points into and readjust the damage (similar like the ults).

Since they are by design “weak” nobody puts points into them if they not absolutly have to and that magnifies the problem even further.


Apart from being able to tp to nm dungeons, which should be default in the first place, absolutely nothing in this patch is compelling me to log back in.

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The kinds of changes we are all craving badly are not going to happen within the first couple of months with a mediocre patch update. The devs have been very vocal about our concerns and have stated multiple times that a lot of these major changes will happen but not likely until Season 1 and in some cases Season 2 (like Gems going directly into inventory storage rather than your bags).

The changes made need to be written and or re-written to update the code. Then they have to be tested likey through BETA testers and other quality testers which takes time and weeks if not months before just say “okay let’s re-write and make it live instantly without testing and hope for the best!” I don’t think they’re that moronic.

All of these processes take time. Patience is significantly valuable in these situations. Show us you have some and don’t come here to throw shade just because you can’t be patient. Saying things that do not make the least bit of sense.

Like, how are YOU being FORCED to play and how is it that the way you’re playing is THEIR way and not YOUR way? Give me a break.


Wtf is wrong with using basic skills

What kind of 2head people come up with that kind of complaints

Basic skills getting 10% buffs when they already did pathetic damage just isn’t going to move the needle.


Imo they should increase resource pools by 1 or .5 every time you level, basic skills should do 60-80% the damage of a core skill, and do something meaningful like apply a debuff or cc so they don’t feel awful to use.

Except nm dungeons buff - actually WoW patch level(unexistent level).

I wonder will we see more Shako drops? Stealth fix mb or just trying to pretend that it is normal?

Apparently you don’t know blizzard or haven’t spent enough time in WOW…

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Maybe the “significant” increase is more noticeable at way higher levels, not sure. Lower tiers are about the same though

Well to be perfectly honest, its how they designed the game. Expecting them to just throw aways basic skills is stupid to begin with.
Some changes take more time and shouldn’t be hastened.

However I am quite disappointed that they haven’t worked on or acknowleged the vulnerability issues. Or dmg calculation/buckets at all.

I guess we now can see that blizzard isn’t able to quickly respond on larger issues. So I guess we shouldn’t wait and hope for solutions to these in a short timeframe.

That means no reason at all for me to spent more money on the game and I can split my free time more leasurley on other games until Blizz had time to adress these issues.

I can only speak for bone spear, which currently costs 18 mana (25 base). 1 extra doesn’t do anything. I assume that most other builds are this way.

In fact, the only reason bone spear is as good as it is right now, is the fact that we have lucky hit resource gen + exposed flesh on a 50% base lucky hit damaging skill with +3-5 splinters.

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read this slowly as an example…


  • Base Essence generated per second increased from 7 to 8.

we’re talking about 1 essence per second which is NOT going to make ANY difference at ALL. you’re still going to be a resource generator casting basic skills for a LONG TIME before your bar is anywhere near full or at half.

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After 20 years of WOW and 10 years of Diablo I’ve learned that Short Time means sometime next release maybe if you’re lucky

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Absolute BS. Half of the Fireside Chat was hyping the “13 pages of patch notes”. Stop lying.


exactly this. I am a bone spear necro myself. and the cast cost and the generating it back is off balanced.

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Here is an opinion:

Half of the people here need to quit the forums. Whenever someone givee the game any criticism its always a “Just go play another game”

Some of the arguments are valid. Just because you are enjoying yourself does not mean that people aren’t entitled to their opinion. Please stop being so dismissive.


The 13 pages of patch notes were mostly environmental bugs there was no class balance in there and it shows again not surprised

Do you mean popular? These guys buffed the horse dismount attack before buffing drop rates. Think about that for a second and what it means. This game is doomed with its current leadership. It has literally no chance of becoming great without changes in design philosophy. No chance whatsoever.