Popular opinion: new patch did nothing meaningful

Dumbass kept holding those pages as if those were the panama papers of D4. Not surprised, though :joy:

Here’s an opinion, you are more negative than anyone else here.

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This isn’t even the whole patch LOL

It truly is when you look at Ice Shard Sorcs who can basically get their entire pool back when done correctly.

People expected endgame, didn’t get it. People expected a patch to fix things - didn’t get it agian. Double the anger.

Increasing xp from NM dungeons and teleporting you there was pretty meaninful, if you were expecting class overhauls you were hard at copium.

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Nobody is forcing you to do anything, what is wrong with you? You choose to play the game or not play the game.

Booooooooooooooooo you suck

Strongly believe that the nerfs to the game have vastly outweighed the “buffs”.

Overall gaming fun has not been balanced.


People like you are why devs are not allowed to interact on the forums.

Oh, now you’re literally just replying to parts of people’s posts out of context?

The sorc buffs are actually comedy gold. I was laughing out loud.

Though they did fix how damage works for frozen orb. Reports are it’s really good now.

Yep, the only good thing is the NM dungeon changes. These class “buffs” are miniscule and borderline meaningless. 2% damage and -2 seconds on a CD changes nothing to improve an ability. It’s like they are trying to pretend to perform balancing.

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*Performs lunging strike with 3% more power

“Yeah, whatever you say pal”


That’s possible. I believe it was Nightmare Dungeon XP they were talking about.

Replay it and look closely at the papers. One was a picture of a head, the rest were probably random papers. That camp fire chat was just damage control and nothing more.

We got honeycucked.


That’s not how you use “out of context”, just saying.

people like me are giving their honest opinion and feedback. which is what the forums are intended for snowflake…

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Okay, so take care of your health and stop engaging with it. Go play and have fun.

I didn’t see them hype it up at all.
Nobody even knew what was going to be in it.