Poll for 1.1 patch like if you feel the new patch is terrible

New patch is new.

And one vote here for the bugginess.

Rest of it has little effect on me.

yea they didn’t do one thing that the community in general asked and the nerfs didn’t actually effect the issues the dev team intended to (IE. vuln and crit are still very important as they are in their own dmg buckets…).

I don’t care what their excuse is. This was the worst patch in Diablo’s history. Waiting to see what they say in the live stream and if they don’t buff our characters back then I am done. I seriously doubt they will buff anything though. They seem pretty intent on destroying this game as quickly as possible to move on to the next cash grab. Welcome to the live service model of gaming.

This 9 GIG is disappointing. I had to move my level 73 Rogue back to Nightmare to be able to play. Torment is way harder and Hey Bliz? Where’s the resistances? I get poisoned bombed in Torment and dead LOL :slight_smile: I decided to put the mouse & Keyboard down on D4 until they get the game working a bit better. The Beta & Launch was much better now it just feels like an endless grind. Nah … Shame for such a beautiful looking game. Hope they get the mechanics of the game working properly.

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Patch 1.1 is pure garbage

Oh it sucks. Sorcerer was bad already but hitting it the way they did. I regret buying it now

Links are terrible and don’t work, waste of time.

Its awful and you didn’t need this to tell you

they need to… take it offline. postpone it. fix the QOL before they add new stuff.
i have a literal laundry list of things that need to be done BEFORE anything else new gets added. and its just simple core elements of gameplay loop

I am really not happy about this patch. I invested +300 hours to increase the power of my lovely sorceress and now I am outclassed. That insta-hit one-shot down issue before the patch was really annoying in higher tier dungeons, but now with the patch I am even not anymore able to solo-kill a nightmare dungeon end boss level 60. Before the patch I was hardly but able to finish 70+ dungeons. So bad now, the motivation goes totally down and I am really sad about this as I love diablo games. :-/

In addition the decision by the devs to let the people keep the 142 uber uniques received by software bug was against the community, this patch makes everything even worse, I do not understand what the game directors and devs are deciding. Season 1 does not bring anything motivating… what a mess.

The patch is awful, as is their level of preparedness for the new season apparently.

Yea… but actually no…because a lot of ppl hating it just hate their character feels worse (at the same lvl of content they used to to) or “but I do lower numbers now”.

Seasonal dungeon not loading is KEKW though. And that bit about forcing into seasons is also true…as it always has been.

Its hard to give honest feedback until tested in the season, and right now the game just doesn’t work for most players so… Will reserve judgement but Initial thoughts before the servers melted and everything stopped working was … Early game didn’t really feel any different to me.

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Go back to facebook.

It’s a terrible patch.
There is no QoL at all.

Thank you for sharing. I really despise this patch. I really feel that we bought an alpha without knowing and we paid for the privilege to test their game without knowing it. Our favorite things in the game are apparently just buggs they didn’t fix and it’s our fault for thinking the launch gameplay was even remotely close to their “vision”.

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It’s a terrible patch

hope people like treadmills because thats all this is, and you dont even lose weight!

what should i do if i think the game lacks of content at the point i m not longer playing without even considering patch notes?