Poll for 1.1 patch like if you feel the new patch is terrible

Hello everyone. It seems we have quite a bit of new forum posts raving how great the new patch is.

Like and comment if you think the new patch is terrible so we can see if it’s just a loud minority.

I will make a poll post for the people who like the new patch in a moment. So it can be a fair poll.
Here is a link for people that think the new patch is awesome


It’s an awful patch( played sorcerer) don’t even wanna play anymore:(


can you make a proper poll instead of the like/comment bullcrap


Worst patch i have ever seen in a game


Just based on my experience just now with Helltides, F this game unless it’s fixed. That’s one of the only ways to progress my character and its no longer fun, it literally left me wanting to cry when I was basically one shot at 248 cinders (which took over half the entire time of the event).

Do they not realize BG 3 is already playable and fully going live August 3rd? Because it seems like they missed a memo.


doesn’t matter if u like or not, many people don’t even a lot of streamers, Blizzard know it.

Last time someone made a post to revert unintended uber uniques, a lot of likes, many posts and etc and blizzard? in the end? NUFFIN WILL HAPPEN.

They will make a campfire just to Rod talks about his colonoscopy and nuffin more and dev will say “we need for a long term and bla bla, hearts will be cover it and bla bla”

Nuffin will happen… there’s a gap between “we’re listening to” and “we’re hearing”.


Not only does this patch waste time moving forward. It removes the fun factor that makes the game an ARPG and it has completely and utterly wasted ANY time spent on Eternal realm so far (rerolling stats for the perfect roll to becoming a useless stat).

Not just damage wise (I do understand vuln needs to go but this was just horrible) but also damage redux-wise it’s a disaster. Couldn’t even fix their resistances but nerf the only surv possibilities we have…


I’ve seen some posts raving about the patch but I’ve seen far more on reddit & here that are trashing it


Alrighty everyone we got the pro patch poll made for everyone to vote on here and it’s in the post as well Poll for 1.1 patch like if you feel the new patch is awesome

Worst patch that I’ve ever seen in any game, ever.

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No need for that, just go to Reddit which is normally far more positive than these forums. You will see 20k, 10k, 8k ETC post of up votes on people being pissed. No use to waste your time on these forums that will censor you for upsetting the those that feel they have to vigorously and even possibly religiously protect their favorite game.

The most positive well known voices of reason for the game are even saying it’s bad. So just ignore the crazy people and don’t log in until they fix this mess.

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Makes me want a refund and regret my time spent.

#2 worst patch of all time for any game I’ve played. It’s only behind NGE for Star Wars Galaxies.

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You know, I wish this dev team did not suck big, hairy spheres (like coconuts). But they do. They are incompetent, two faced and devoid of integrity.
I don’t understand how anyone is actually supportive of those clowns.
Supportive of the game I understand but not those clowns.
Have they done a single meaningful improvement since launch besides nerf after nerf?

I am very disheartened by the patch. I noticed a SEVERE degredation in both damage output and survival of My toon.

Im not really sure what I supposed to even be doing any more. The content that I can actually beat drops no real loot upgrades. I did 8 NM dungeons in a row today at a snails pace because MY dps and armor/resistances were all pissed on and didnt get a single upgrade of any sort. Helltide is frustrating. I spent 30 mins barely surving to collect enough for a chest and got one shotted while opening it. The tree quests arent giving Me legendaries or even EXP for completing them.

I really want to like this game and ive spent a great deal of time leveling, but I dont even want to play s1 rn, and its already bought and paid for, but im so put off by how progression and the game balance in general has been handled that I think Im just gonna play something else. And this comes from a pkayer that loves Diablo. Ive soent thousands of hours on all of them (barring the garbage cell phone money sink one). This os the worst ive ever seen them do. And im not even mad about it. Im just a little sad tho.

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This patch is terrible, i’m holding off on buying S1 because they nerfed my sorc into the ground and re-rolled my gear.

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I can count on 1 hand how many useful changes they dropped.

I lost count of how many changes were the opposite🗑️

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Polls don’t matter. Allen Adham, after being forced out of the company because of his extremely bad decisions years ago, is now back on top and his reign of terror continues.

Trash tier patch. No amount of excuses from devs will change it.


Well this is the official forum for diablo 4 feedback so we can have our own poll.