Poll for 1.1 patch like if you feel the new patch is terrible

TERRIBLE patch. Tried to play once post-patch. Werewolf build that I curated based on available unique drops is now broken. Logged off. Haven’t played since.

not a fan so far, the new hearts are cool but the fact they are also in my inventory/stash feels like a slap in the face after all the raving regarding stash storage.

Horrible patch.

The CDR nerf is the worst of all because using my abilities is more fun than not using my abilities. Standing around waiting for them to come off cooldown sucks and simply isn’t fun.

That on top of the fact they fixed nothing (terrible resource management, horse, stash, etc) makes this a disaster patch/season.


Agreed. There approach to balance is lazy. Like they arent spending the time tweaking everything so it still feels good you know? Like ok make me do less damage but let me use my abilities and make the game harder by adding new challenging game mechanics that require player skill.

But no lazy boring nerfs. You just take more damage.