Poll for 1.1 patch like if you feel the new patch is awesome

Hello everyone this is a poll for everyone that likes the new patch like and comment if you think the new patch is awesome.

Here is the post to vote on if you think the new patch is terrible.


I am patch Neutral.

20 Characters.

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Thank you for participating. <3

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Neutral as well, Iā€™ll judge once Iā€™m 70+ again.

Thank you for posting. I appreciate the comments.

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Polls are frowned upon by Blizzard :partying_face:

But anyway, yeah, patch is a step in the right direction.

Thanks for sharing. I really just want both sides to be able to vote. Instead of going at each other on the forum. Appreciate you for participating.

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Nothing about the patch displays any form of competency from the development team.
Weā€™re in for a rough ride.


Hi dream. Thx for sharing. Appreciate ya.

I think they did a great job. Game feels better to play. Everyone complaining to focused on the numbers to even try it out imo!

At first i was enraged about the patch notes, but thinking in a long run, could be awesome.

Currently im positive about itā€¦(only if you are not a Sorc player)

Major FAIL as yes Iā€™m a Sorc

Before the patch I was almost ready to finish last Dungeon to advance to Tier 3 and Season 1, But I almost had that Monster at the End but he killed me and it was late at night, So I was like Iā€™ll rerun it tomorrow

But then the patch came and now I can hardly hurt the Monster = FAIL on Nerf :anger:

Iā€™m negative.

This feels important in the long run but it severely impact the pace, the build diversity and the player economy without anything adressed on that part.

Nerfs should have been backed by builds improvements. NM100/uber lilith should be reachable by people with less time than streamers. Cost of enchanting make build changes a pain. And uber uniques are still there as ā€˜unreachableā€™.

D4 should not be a mmo time wise and should reward players more for the time they spent. This is essential.

Balance changes would be fine (even nerfs heavy) if it was easy to respec, not costly and if builds diversity in endgame were there. This is currently not the case.

Terrible patch. Not that this poll will mean all that much.

Developers trying to turn this game into an MMO to make us play longer to satisfy their maus. They want the end to be unreachable by most and only reached by people who play 16 hours a day.

Its an aRPG its supposed to be fast action. Instead it feels like a slog. Everquest like leveling without the death penalty. End dungeon boss fights like a raid boss. Not quite that bad but it feels like thats what they are going for. Making everything a hp sponge and one shotting sorcs is not how you make fun difficulty.

Nomen est omenā€¦
Sheep indeed.

Seriously though, in what way, shape or form does the game feel better to play now in your opinion?
What exactly makes you feel this way?
Do you enjoy having to wait longer for your cooldowns? Do you enjoy getting one-shot in nightmare dungeons roughly 10-15 tiers earlier now?
Do you enjoy spending almost 50% more time in helltides to farm enough cinders to open the mystery chests?

Patch has good and bad.
So one vote here for the good parts.

I donā€™t mind it. More loot drops in NMDs. The internet is just full of false entitled crybabies desperately seeking upvotes and someone else to agree with them.
How do you demand a refund after putting in hundreds of hours in game? Itā€™s the jackass who eats 22 ounces of his 24 ounce steak and demands a refund cuz it wasnā€™t cooked right. Gimme a break.

The game wasnā€™t great to begin with and the patch made it worse.

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Negative ghostrider:

I understand the changes, some are needed for the future of the game, but if the hearts are the new buff to armor then, the armor change should not effect Eternal realm until hearts go to that realm.

Nerfing the only ā€œgoodā€ defense mechanic, (armor) and not giving us anything to use in its place was a rookie move to the eternal realm players.
Yes the hearts and season stuff mitigates the exp and armor issue, but that doesnā€™t mean anything to the players in the Eternal realm who dont want to play the season, or want to switch back and forth.

This patch, in some aspects feels like Blizzard is forcing people to move to seasons as its ā€œmore funā€ than the eternal realm. You can get exp additives, and hearts to help with the recent changes.

So TO ME, it really seems like all the changes should have just been for the Season realm, and they should have left the eternal realm ā€œmostlyā€ alone tell season integration in a few months. (sure fix bugs, and QoL stuff, make some balance changes but dont make changes based on season mechanics until it is needed.)

Thanks for sharing how you feel. Have a nice day.