Pls remove Monster scaling!

bigger number =/= more powerful.

The boss gets more hp to combat this. does more damage. Like really how hard is it to understand?

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What part of your skill going up by 30% but the boss’s health does not is unclear to you?

Sure, if you took your basic attack, did not spend any skill points whatsoever, you’d stay at even. Please tell me you are not actually playing this way.

bosses health increases because of level scaling. What dont you understand from that?

If im level 5, and the level 5 boss has 100 hp. Now im level 10, and the boss has 200 hp. Why.
Level scaling is a bandaid because they didnt want to have to balance the game around levels. Laziness and many of you cant seem to understand basic concepts.

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But it doesn’t, though, depending on the class you play?

Like I said, Basics & Cores for a bow rogue only goes up +3% per skill point. That’s really not scaling well.

they dont understad. Heres some maths cause theyre literally brain dead.

3% of 10 is 0.3. Big damage.
The scaling is a bandaid for laziness and flawed game design.

Unlike the previous weekends, I do not plan to play multiple classes up so I cannot check for you. Still, you can. Turn on advanced tooltips and see what they say. Heck, screenshot it and post an imgur link.

I don’t need you to check for me, I’m literally quoting you numbers off the advanced tool tip.

What class are you playing?

I already told you, bow rogue. It’s even in the post you quoted.

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yes please make it so there is a max level layer and a layer for people above the area level. that way people levelling can play in peace and still be with others.

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same thing for Barbs frenzy skill. +3% per skill level totaling to 25%.

Mister " i know what im talking about" doesnt seem to know what hes talking about.

whats 25% of 10? 2.5. So much damage!

Those low number really makes the physical damage classes feel really, really gear dependent.

I mean, imagine an epic adventure where, instead of the hero becoming increasingly skillful and overcoming challenges because of their personal growth, the hero instead has to murder hundreds of enemies to find a new piece of better gear, which is the reason why they are overcome the next challenge.

Doesn’t feel very heroic, does it?

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Was asking because I was heading to Ashava and did not have time to review thread.

Sadly, only 8 people showed up and while we got her down to 20%, that is not 0%.

they are very gear dependent.
I remember running naked in d2 and still being able to kill stuff pretty easy. Here its as if your character when leveling up doesnt gain power.

I totally agree. It really feels like I am not getting more powerful as i level. There is so big, there is room to have non-peering scaling while below max level/in the campaign.

and people think timed world events are great in an ARPG. This isnt wow and shouldnt be modeled so much after it.

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Mister, I cannot figure out how to move skills on an action bar is wagging his tongue while what comes out of the hole nearest the tail continues to spew.

On a basic skill? Who the heck cares? Though you are still ahead unless the boss got 25% more health. Or did you fail basic math too? Moreover you have gear which also drives up your value. Are you running around with the same crap gear you started with?

Perhaps pull your head out, think, and nobody will even ask you to admit how wrong you are.

there was and isnt anything that explains that you can freely put skills where you want to on the bar. Thats not my fault, thats the games lack of telling the player what they can do.

From your statements, youre a wow player. You opinions arent valid.

The bosses scale to your level. So yes they get more health, are you stupid or dont understand how scaling works? Im going with stupid

YES I agree.

This is the number 1 biggest problem in this game. It makes absolutely no sense for an action RPG to have monsters scale. It is absurd. The worst decision I have seen in quite some time.

This is the only reason why I will never play this game ever again.

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You said it couldn’t be done.
I then posted how to do it.
You then protested it couldn’t be done again. Then complained about not being able to have two skills of the same type on the bar.
People then posted again to tell you that was incorrect–something you would have known had you tried at all to do it.

You relentlessly pursue “facts” which are not true. If anyone should not be tossing around the word “stupid”…well, look in the mirror.

Day is long and I have better things to do than bother with, “I’M RIGHT!!!” (nevermind how many people are not having the same problem and tell you how to fix it). Do everyone a favor and just go get a refund and don’t play the game.