Pls remove Monster scaling!

i hope monster scaling will be removed from final game.
and each region has its own monster level.

currently it is so, if you are lvl 5 the demons are also lvl 5 on the entire map.
if you are lvl 10 the demons are also lvl 10 and if you are lvl 25 the demons are lvl 25.

so you never feel stronger despite lvl up !
whether you are lvl 5 or lvl 25 it feels the same.
besides, there is no reason to lvl up, because you can reach any area with any lvl.

in diablo2 the system was perfect.
if you wanted to get ahead, you had to improve and level up first.
in d4 it makes no difference if you are lvl 5 or lvl 25.


so what is your solution? This is an open world game and you start at any act, so which level should monsters have if not scaled based on your level?


Yeah i was in the fence initially but i liked it in the end because it didnt matter what order i went in, it was always a little challenging and the xp was good.

Vs other games where if you go the wrong way you get stomped or if you go back through easy areas its too easy and not even worth your time.


The difficulty is scaled by world level right tho, same as it ever was.


nop the monster lvl scale with your lvl

so there is no reason at all to lvl up


This isn’t really the case. I do think very low level melee need help to not feel so bad at the start, but besides that, the scaling doesn’t work like that.

You are getting more skills and unlocking your class specific mechanic and getting more gear as you level that is increasing your power level much more than their power level is going up.

Some classes are easily able to do the Nightmare dungeon unlock long before they are even the level floor of Nightmare, assuming they haven’t significantly buffed the difficulty of that content since closed betas.


did u hurt your head? the world is where ure supposed to farm ur stuff. especially now since different kind of monsters have higher drop chances of different types of equipment. monsters always scaled with your level + difficulty. also higher level means better gear. whats your point aside from that a hack n slay is probably the wrong genre for you?


I like monster scaling because it allows friends at different levels to play together meaningfully.

I wouldn’t mind if they got rid of it for general play but left an option there while grouped.

Edit; actually I take that back I would mind if they got rid of it because you’d have high level players in the lower level open world one shotting everything and ruining the game for lower level players.


may be u never played diablo 2 or 3.

tell me a reason why u need to lvl up and improve you character
when demons always match your lvl ?


I don’t like this feature either. Grim Dawn also has it. It makes you feel weak instead of strong until you reach level cap and start to out-gear the areas. There is no point in re-running a dungeon hoping for loots because if you level up you suddenly got weaker. You can off-seat the difference if you always get a better weapon every level but…well.

It counter attacks your purpose being in the dungeon in the first place.


Love the scaling, it’s not because you train for years that you can knock out a cow with a single finger.
You should never feel “that” powerful. On the other hand, by the time you reach lv.25, gear up properly, set up your skill tree correctly, everything melts on Veteran difficulty… so where’s the issue ?


monster scaling is the best game design. you can play anywhere and have a reasonable challenge and play with anyone of any other level. good for playing with friends who are behind or ahead of you in level.

if you want goofy games where at max level theres only 1 zone worth playing in then D2 is available, along with every other ancient game. hit 90+ then go stomp around in normal mode A1.

D2 is a real turd, ill say, but the terror zone is the best idea theyve had yet for that game, and guess what, it scales the zone to your level+2. LOL!


No need to insult.

He stated his points, because you dont agree doenst mean they are in his eyes valid points.

I do agree there should be some system in place were there is more variety in enemy levels except you are level 25 so everything is level 25 or above.

That beeing said, its a bèta so who knows how it ends up.


Well the reason for this is monetization. Basically they decided to make game open world which means players will see each other so they will consider buying cosmetics. Since they’re making a open world game, they need to avoid people of higher level just coming and wiping the lower level map so lower level players wouldn’t have mobs to kill. The only way to do this is implementing this stupid auto scaling.

They pick horrible features from d2 when they think that it would make them more money, like respec cost, but not features from d2 that they think would hamper their money making but makes game feel good, like no monstear scaling. Typical attempt of money grab.


Nope. This isn’t going to happen. This is the side effect of going open world on the game. They’re giving you the freedom to do the quests in pretty much any order you want, so the game has a scaling difficulty so you never feel like you’re doing the quests in the wrong order.

It’s too late to ask them to make the game “not open world” at this point. They’re too far along for that.


a lie is never a point and especially not valid. facts aint about opinions.

Removing scaling is not going to happen, as going anywhere in the world to fight and do story is a sale point.


Tho i agree with you that it is probely to late, i dont agree with the argument about which order you do quest.
In borderlands it doesnt matter ( no multiplayer openworld )

I think the main reason is pvp area’s but im not well informed about pvp in this game.

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Scaling is important so that you continue to get XP though. If you dont get XP then killing mobs would be pointless and defeat the point of this game.

Once you hit max level your gear will start to outscale. Get to max then lets see?

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Then you can inform him or her, but when that person made that comment they believed he was speaking the truth i would imagine.

I understand it can be frustrating reading some comments but still, its a game and i think everyone wants the best for it and this is a forum, differences can be spoken without insulting.