Pls remove Monster scaling!

I really struggle to understand why do people have so much problems with this (well, except Hardcore but that’s another issue overall)

WHY do people think that the character should be “OP” and by the “way how mobs disappear on the screen” is how you measure it ?

Go kill an Elite on your own level, or even better, a bunch of buffed elites and see how your build works

What’s this “tendency” for people to find a “Netflix and chill” spot in a game, I really hate it when after a few really hard levels or zones the game becomes much much easier (LastEpoch for ex. clear Ruin of Welryn and one more tricky spot in Act 1 and now you’re a Demigod and - with exception of a silly mistake against one type of mob in Act 2 - the next place where you might die is in act 6 or whatever, or even the act 7 boss)

Yeah, that “gap” between act 1 mid-through and act 7 is HUGE and just points out to terrible level/progression… Same with “builds” if mobs don’t scale, hey look I passed the lvl25 “struggle” now I’m much stronger and until lvl40 there will be no trouble what-so-ever

Just “measure” your “build” by being able to kill stuff (or even better, survive tricky spots), the very fact that you made that far and aren’t a “paper towel” means you’ve probably done something right overall

And even traditionally all the games had the same approach, as you level up game becomes HARDER, not easier… W.T.F., makes no sense, hey look I struggled at lvl1 but look at me derping through the final boss (just WTF)…

Not a single game worked that way where a “powerspike” rewards you without divident, not a single one… From Golden Axe, from FPS games, from “Cadillac and Dinosaurs”, from heck even Diablo 1 if you like - the “higher” you get, the harder the game becomes (i.e. you become “weaker”, it’s a matter of a simple natural progression)

well, said people could simply play normal mode to enjoy one shotting monsters though.
(instead of going nightmare / hell)

OP, I get what you’re saying, and coming from a long time player of the Diablo franchise (I, II, III, and IIR), it does feel good going back to Act I bosses to help a friend, after completing Act II or III, and wiping the floor with the mobs.

On the other hand, what I think they’re going for here is a sense of level transparency, as if we didn’t have levels, only experience that gains us more skills to use against the mobs. Some ARPGs don’t even display a level. The idea behind it is that the monsters you fight at the beginning aren’t much different in strength as those later on. You’re just getting more experience fighting them.

Look at it this way, if you kill a boar in real life, then later go up against a grizzly bear, another boar will still be a decent fight. But you’ll be more experienced while fighting it. You aren’t going to one shot the second boar, but your experience and gear will give you a slight advantage.

Here’s another example from WoW. Let’s say you fight a boar in Redridge Mountains while leveling. You later fight a hellboar in Shadowmoon Valley. Okay, now pit those two boars against each other and they’d be relatively matched. Why? Because they’re both just boars (basically).

Just want to post to say I agree that lvl scaling is crap at least the way it is implemented right now. In the two betas I did not have fun leveling and watching lower levels kill mobs faster than me with my ''new skills" lol… Pitiful. It just doesn’t work with the world and is not even explained in the lore. Anyway at this point I would remove levels. Just give us skill points. No need for a fake lvl. puke


I completely agree.
I think ppl feel the game not fun or “hollow” mostly because there is no feeling of getting powerful over a zone or mobs that before were giving troubles.
There is no sense of achivement. Levels are just there to put another skill point in the skill tree, but nothing really changes and we never feel the sense of growing because the mobs are powering up at our same pase.
It’s ok to have challanging boss, zones, mobs. But it’s ok having the feeling of blasting old zones too.
These were my 20 cents.


I think people who think getting more powers which interact with those already had does not equate to be more powerful are…searching for a nice way to say it…inattentive.

Let’s put this way, if I’m playing a class that has hard times on a particular boss, I always have the chance to farm/grind and get to that boss with some higher level and say “oh, I had to farm, but finally I got it!”… if that hypothetical boss scale with my level I’ll always have hard time to get rid of it. (fictional situation)
Ppl should have option to level over a difficult zone or boss.

Again, you can come back to the boss at higher level with more skill points spent to have greater damage, even with scaling, and more powers.

That IS getting more powerful.

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That boss will be higher level too (more damage, more resistence, more hp, etc etc) XD

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That the boss gains does not mean he gains as much as you do.

Ice Shards, which for example, a sorcerer does not start with access too, attacks faster and does more damage than the starting attacks. At level 15 you unlock the enchantment system, so put Enchanted Fireball or Fire Bolt in the slot and now your ice shards cause explosions when you kill something or set the things you hit on fire–again, you are more powerful.

Not sure how you fail to see this is the case.

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Its an L take still, imagine if you dont feel powerfull at an Arpg… This system makes the lvling like a treadmill… blend it with a flat skill tree and boring itemisation and voila D4

If anything, the scaling monsters makes me feel weaker as I level up.

The monsters keep getting stronger, but my gear isn’t scaling at the same pace, and even though I’m getting more skill points, the +2% damage is piddling next to the gains the monsters are getting when my gear doesn’t keep pace.

Then I’ll find a nice piece of gear that is actually at my level, and I’ll feel like I’ve finally caught back up… then ding, and it’s back to feeling incompetent again.

One of the problems of making the game so bloody loot dependent.

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The solution can be better gear drops or 75% (for example) of monster scaling now but scaling is not a bad thing if tuned.

But cannot cater to the worst players just because they are … the worst. Afterall the game needs some challenge

Monster scaling is a GOOD thing. They’ve done a brilliant job in DIV. This is exactly how it should have always worked. There should never be an instance where you’re more powerful than 90% of the content and so you’re relegated to the same couple areas for the rest of your play time. Content should always feel challenging and rewarding.

I love that I can adventure with my wife and, despite our level difference, the content scales appropriately for both of us. She refused to play with me in D3 because I was so much more powerful than her that even my basic skills one-shot everything, it was no fun for either of us.

Blizzard please don’t listen to ignorant people like the OP, they want you to hold their hand and illuminate quests with a glowy trail leading to the objective. Please just make a Diablo themed Candy Crush for these players that would petition you to ruin our game, instead of caving to their ridiculous ideas and demands.

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Advanced Tooltips (found in the options) show how much skills improve with skill points. The starting ones (at least on a Sorcerer) look to be roughly 10% per, not 2% Core skills improve at 30%, increasing as you spend more.

Or the other thing which can happen without scaling where you have sufficiently out leveled the content that you are not getting much in the way of xp but you are not yet powerful enough for the next content, so you have to grind low level stuff which does not give muxh xp to try to level up.

I’m playing a bow rogue, and those are the numbers I’m looking at for Basics and Cores.

Okay, it’s +3%, but it’s still really low.

My suggestion would be to delete the April Fools day joke and show the actual new diablo game.

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solution is make monsters scale with the act and get rid of the “complete any act at any time”

Monster scaling never lets you feel like you’re progressing. Its a terrible feature that I’ve detested since it came about in Skyrim.

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the whole point of an ARPG is to level up, get loot, and decimate hordes. Not always be the same strength as the fallen you killed at level 1.

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