Pls remove Monster scaling!

Kyovashad is the only region thats lvl 1-25, all the others are 25+ or 36+ in hawezar. So you can’t go anywhere you want at lvl 1. When you hit 50 you still have 200 paragon points and 2 world tiers where the monsters get tougher but you don’t level anymore. If you wanna feel powerful, hit lvl 50 fill your paragon brackets, get to world tier 4 gear wise, then drop back to tier 3,2, or 1.
Edit-most of the progression is after lvl 50 when the level scailing stops.

but why and wht for this whole circus make 1 world for all why need tiers just make monsters stronger with each lvl deeper u go thats how things work in all games since day 1 of this world why u bringing us these reforms we dont like its stupid and makes no sense and reason 2 why this scaling in game to make easy life for devs just lazy bs , monsters just look unique but in all stats they all equal with random afixes wow bravo and mabe there reason 3 to reduce lag they use scaling but it just doin oposite

Not the same no.

Mobs in D3 are the level they are, and are based on the level of the person who creates the game. That’s why power-levelling works (L70 opens, L1 joins, L70 kills everything, L1 is boosted).

Mobs in D4 are scaled to your level. Behind the scenes (educated guess here as I am not a D4 dev) all mobs are level 100. They are scaled down to your level (or the zones minimum). When you hit them/are hit the damage is scaled accordingly. Thats why grouping as a L1 with a L25 you’re not 1 shot.


stunlocked trying to decipher this


It was already explained to me, but thx for clarification. Cant say i like that system tho.

2 months until release. i really doubt this would be something they would add to their list of priorities. it would likely take a lot of work to add so little to the game.

No offence was meant btw, just I had been away for 6 days and figured I would respond.

Hope you liked the Beta btw … I loved it <3 (warts and all)

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this is a way to avoid carry services from end-chars allies to perfomance. I liked this improviment

It would prevent boosting, yes, as I bet the XP is scaled as well.

Well, its not bad game. But I dont exactly like some game systems from d3 they reused. D4 doesnt look that great for D2 fan :slight_smile:

I played a lot of beta last week, i didnt want to waste more time this week as it will be deleted anyway. I will wait for full release.

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I think it’s almost a certainty that there will be ways to boost, at least through the earlier levels. All you’d have to do is create a low-level character that is overpowered relative to the enemies at that level, which I imagine is pretty easy to do with Altars and found/stashed gear.

The question is whether or not the devs will do anything about it once it happens. Even if they do fix it, maybe by modifying XP gains based on party composition, I think there’s a strong likelihood the same type of thing could have been used in a non-scaling scenario anyways.

(If I’m grossly misunderstanding anything about the game’s mechanics, let me know)

But will it keep scaling with your paragon? That’s the answer I’m looking for.

Yeah cause its so fun when you cannot visit 80% of the map anymore becuase mobs are level grey. No the level you talk about is the lowest level possible, if its to hard for you there is tier 1 to visit. There are areas and mobs that are higher level and if you wanna have a chance there you gotta level up.

I think its just the hardcore folks that have a legitimate gripe.

Usually you would like to be over-leveled and/or over-geared for the content; especially boss fights but this makes it much more challenging to do.

What some people look upon as boring is exactly what others find exciting. Some people get thrills from feeling overpowered and steamrolling everything effortlessly. While others get a thrill from survival and testing their abilities no matter what level they are currently at.

I think monster scaling is good but paragon levels should allow chars to finally and very gradually gain an edge on monsters more and more. This would feel good because so much time put in and was earned. But as I said, slowly and gradually. Maybe taking a high level paragon to have any significant edge on monsters. And even then not too much.

I keep seeing this and frankly I don’t buy into this.

Everyone keeps saying that monster scaling shouldn’t exist otherwise you don’t feel any more powerful and can’t go back and have fun.

Let’s break this down with regard to D3 first and cover how this was implemented there and how it maps onto D4.

Currently in D3 you can start your game and switch between normal hard and expert depending on the experience you want but once you pick a difficulty this is fixed until you start a new game. Also indicated that as you grow in power elites start to gain additional power affixes.

Once you reach 60 and Diablo is dead you can start to make you way through torment and make it as hard as want.

This is no different to level scaling in D4. In D3 the monsters scale to power level of the difficulty you pick. The only difference is that they don’t have levels put next to their head. The reason they do is so in D4 despite being open world and you can go anywhere, but finding level 40 monsters when you’re level 20 gives you a visual indicating you shouldn’t be here yet.

How powerfully you feel is decided by how you want it to be just like D3 except instead of having to exit the game instead you go to the statue and change it there in a more seem less transition.

If you are playing on tier three and want to go back and feel powerful and just crush things, go back to tier one and that feeling will exist.

The issue is that monsters have levels to indicate if you should be somewhere or not which is different to D3 which had a very linear story and you couldn’t t go to a chapter three area like you can in D4.

D4 is establishing a permanence to characters and teaching you that you this land is open to you automatically from the beginning and you will die unless you follow visual clues.

Paragon stops at level 100.

Many lost opportunities with the lvl scaling and world scaling… It could have started out a calm countryside, went to a river of flame forming, turned in to hell and finally heaven and hell in full out war. This is the laziest, most narrow vision of Diablo I could imagine. How can the predecessors do everything better when you have a model to build this game from?

One of the problems with this approach is they have stated that there is no linear path with the campaign. If you restrict zones to certain monster levels then you will basically force people on a specific questing path. Monster scaling helps prevent that issue.

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