PLEASE MAKE Diablo 1️⃣ Remastered

Another spam report for Urza . How about focus on D4 stop living in the past with your garbage novel post ppl flag and don’t read

People need to stop being stuck on the past, move on people, focus on the future not past,

and you want to sell it at 50 dollars for a game almost 30 years old, nah bruh

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I recently bought the original D1/WC1/WC2, which are now available in the Bnet shop. Icons look pretty cool in my UI. Making a REMAKE of D1 is a solid idea. Not a “remaster”, because that game is rather archaic, but a full remake, which could modernize it a lot. D2:R is mostly a remaster. D1 would require a remake.


Sadly, it would seem that that’s all it was… A marketing hype campaing.
Really disappointing, it’s a great game… But as soon as D4 dropped, so has any support for D2R.


They are still doing ladders for D2R. A new one just dropped recently. Not sure what more to expect from a 24 year old game.

I would expect the treatment for season 5 to be close to the treatment they gave Seasons 1, 2 and 3.

The last two “season” were just ladder resets. No balancing, no items, no bugfixes, nothing of the sort. It’s abandoned. Resetting a ladder is not “support”.

I don’t expect anything from a 24 year old game, as that one has been abandoned for a dozen years. D2R on the other hand is less than 3 years old and we paid a decent price for it. Not to mention that it’s sad to see all this wasted potential being left on the table.

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Your describing an entirely new game so many changes. What is it with people now a days that want a remaster but to change everything about our just make a new damn game

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If and only if they give it the Diablo 2 Resurrected treatment, then yes, I would love a Diablo 1 remaster.

They can definitely add some quality of life features to improve the experience but not massively alter the gameplay.

I only hope they do not add any content from the “Hellfire” unofficial expansion pack, that was went in a very weird direction, wasn’t even developed by Blizzard.

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I would love to see a remaster of good old D1… ah, the nostalgia :grin:
It only had 16 levels though, so I don’t think they could sell it for ~$50, which makes the whole effort not viable from a business perspective. They could add the Hellfire expansion… but honestly I didn’t like it at all.

Anyway, I really hope that we will see Tristram and its cathedral come back in a future DLC for D4, with all 16 levels all the way to Hell. Same monster types too. If they could also make the levels randomly generated like in the original that would be a blast. It would feel like playing D1 but in D4. It’s a bit like what they did with the Tristram event in D3, but it should be a permanent addition.

Maybe this could happen when Diablo makes its comeback, there could be a questline that takes us to Tristram to find some old forgotten secret on how to defeat him.

I bid 35$ on that one blizzard. Come have my money!

Most of the new kids still think Diablo 3 was the first diablo game that was on console. When in fact Diablo 1 released on the PS1

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Liked. Did not even need to read it. Anything is better than this trash game.

I would certainly pay good money for a remastered D1.

Get a mod… there are so many out there.

Would be great … and i would happily pay full price game for it …

However i highly doubt it will happen :frowning:

D1 definitely hasn’t aged well but you know what, it’s a far better diablo game than D4. The gameplay is fun in D4 sure. But most games these days have or SHOULD have fun gameplay. D4 feels more like WoW than a diablo. Not saying that theres anything wrong with WoW but the atmosphere alone doesn’t do it for me. D1 and D2 had some pretty creepy moments. Not feeling that with D4. It just feels like it has a weird fantasy with some medievil into it. But these days you could slap a title on it and people would eat it up regardless if it’s good or not. You could make Diablo Squad: kill the tomb lord league and people will fight for it and love it.

I think it would be cool if in an expansion for D4 we got to go where the old cathedral was in d1 and go deeper and deeper level by level with random layouts like an uber dungeon of some sorts.

Maybe looking for clues on how to defeat the new Diablo when it is brought back as the final prime evil to defeat in D4

Diablo was the first PC game I played while owning a PC. And the first online game. I wouldn’t pay $50 for a remaster though, that’s just crazy talk.

Before the former president (J. Allen Brack) left the company, he said there is nothing left to remaster after Warcraft 3 and Diablo 2. Who knows how the current president feels (or what their name is).

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Oh god that was a bad time lol diablo 1 and starcraft never should have had console releases

Yes please i would play - remaster it