Please god do not listen to Asmongold

Streamers like him are responsible for so many stupid PVE nerfs in different games. His army of simps is already here stinking up the forums.

What do you have to offer over the ā€œsimpsā€ who watch Asmongold?

Iā€™d keep it like that, Iā€™ve been a player whoā€™s been online gaming since dial up modem and I donā€™t want any Twitch streamer, just the youtube clips of some just to get the hot talking points on games (ie, Maxmilion Dood, Asmongold, AvoidingThePuddle).
You couldnā€™t write one mature paragraph if you tried.

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Point of the thread yeah sure. Look at what those paid trolls are typing.

This is no discussion about game these are toxic insults and people like this should get banned and this thread deleted long ago.

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To be honest I have nothing against Asmongold. I have watched his videos and still watches them sometimes. Sure I do align with his ideas and vision majority of the time. But as a content creator and entertainer, you canā€™t always be so serious. There will always be people out there that disapprove you, or dislike you.

I wouldnā€™t judge someone idea though only based on who he is.

I have nothing against what people watch, but when they bring horrible takes from streamers and ask the devs to implement them, then I have a problem. As should you.

Diablo has never been a competitive E-Sport or MMO with a toxic raiding scene. Asmongold and his ilk are trying to change that.


Iā€™m not sure God monitors the D4 forums, but with the omnipresent/omniscient thing, who knows.

No he wasnā€™t. It only ruined raiding if you let it. It was playersā€™ own ocd that was the problem.

He also never mentioned keeping it in place for other game modes, so youā€™re living in a fairy tale but thatā€™s not exactly surprising. He hated the whole darned system.

Im too busy or have better things to do than go through 1 hour videos of Asmongold to learn his point but here is the thing:

He started the ā€˜Dont wanna play the daddy druid because phatā€™ and his fans followed (and threads here followed). Like how mature is that. Maybe too much WOW mindset. I can understand it coming from someone in early 20s for who the body look matters more than everything but him.

Previously though he has earned me with anti-mobile game talking and that includes D:Immortal and how mobile games work (if you have watched a presentation in Finland about money WHALES). Because having spent over $1500 for a few years on a crappy Chinese/Singaporean mobile game ALL because it dragged me into payments because ā€˜Im competitive and I will not let some no brainers win all because they paidā€™ - I will never start another mobile game again. And I liked Asmon for all that talk he made about such stuff. But he irritated about some of the Druid stuff.

idk what Necro micro he is talking about but coming from strategy game or even some MOBA canā€™t complain if one has to control some extra minions.

Itā€™s amazing anyone listens to that dead eyed guy at all. How and since when did he become some kind of authority on the rules of games that he has to be consulted?

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Heā€™s self proclaimed. His ideas are bad but heā€™s popular.

To be fair, sometimes his complaints are valid but often his solutions are garbage and not something normal players want.

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I have said it many times, Content Creators are exactly that. They just say whatever they can to get the click bait, the views, the followers who support that mind set, and they make money. Anyone who wants to make a valid argument about necro minions needs to show me how crappy they are after they actually spec minion build with good gear. I did the math in another post and they get almost 100% increase to minion dmg 70% increase to minion health 50% to attack speed and thats without the passive bonuses from your characters health pool. I dont even want to play necro but I feel ill personally have to release a video just so kids like him can realize how wrong they are.


Content creators. What a sham. Thatā€™s not content. Thatā€™s a guy playing a game and tossing his opinions about like they matter, the only difference between most of you and him is that you donā€™t film yourselves playing games. Content creator. Itā€™s insulting to people who actually invest time in what they put out. Like those guys who make funny videos of games, animating the characters or drawing and animating the cartoons themselves, hell even a guy who reads a story and bothers to add a few pictures and edits to go with the story is content. This sitting on your bum and playing a game and tossing an opinion once in a while is even lazier than those chicks liking microphones that are flooding youtube. What a joke.


Iā€™m sure your amazing ability to judge him, and his life, speaks wonders about the content of what he says.

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Does anyone over the age of 15 actually like him? Legitimate question.


First off, yaā€™ll forget about human decency real quick behind yaā€™lls keyboards. Donā€™t belittle yourself by stooping low and taking this to a personal place (i.e. your preception of Asmongoldā€™s gaming skill). If you disagree with his assessments, state your own in contrast with logic and reason. I canā€™t believe this post is so popular, this community is rather toxic.


LOLā€¦I called itā€¦the Bald one is back on his main channel (the monetized one) with over 74k viewersā€¦he and they are so predicable. I knew he would pull this for the launch. Say what you will, but he aint dumb and knows how to milk his simps.

Just putting this here to laugh vice making a new thread :stuck_out_tongue:

Okā€¦ I agree with you for the most part. However, the homeless comment was rather troublesome for me. Not all homeless are thieves and addicts. I AM homelessā€¦ a homeless VETERAN to be preciseā€¦ but I have a job and a vehicle, and I pay my bills on time. I bathe, donā€™t stink, donā€™t have filthy, ragged clothes, and I am able to game because I stay in a hotel with internet. My point is that I am NOT like the stereotype you were presenting and painting with that broad a brush can be very wrong.

Amongold is nothing more but a click bait moron, just like so many of the other professed ā€œproā€ streamers out there. The sad thing is it looks like the Devs. give way too much credence and weight to their opinions, as theyā€™re just keep bringing out the nerf. hammer. Iā€™m all for balance, but Iā€™ll never have my build like some of the guys that ā€œplayā€ video games for a living. I have a ā€œrealā€ job, and my play time is limited. Steamers do more to damage the games then help, nothing more but gloried egos behind a keyboard.

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Ok lets go over this fact based thread.

Please god do not listen to Asmongold. Your reason is.

He is bad at video games.

That is false. He is above above average in fact. You clearly donā€™t understand just how bad you all are.

Noone speaks for any part of the player base, but his voice is loud and he reaches many people with it. Not only that, but he gives his reasons on why he feels certain ways, and at least backs what he says. That is more than this thread.

In other words, if Asmongold makes a good point. You should listen. Why would you not.

No no, Asmonā€™bald the Lord of Receding hairlines.