Please god do not listen to Asmongold

Who even is he? Never heard of him

An egregiously overhyped content creator / streamer. He frequently makes contrarian statements about things and his followers fawn over him thinking he’s some witty, wise ghandi.

Far better sources of informed opinions come from people like Josh Strife Hayes, Rhykker, Kripparian, Upper Echelon, and Lazy Peon. I don’t agree with everything they say, but they’ve at least gained a reputation for backing up their statements with knowledge of the subjects they talk about.

Your fanboy is showing. He’s crap at games.

Yea, that’s part of the problem.


I’m sorry but I played Blizzard games for years. Been part of this community for years.

Asmongold is better than most of you.

I think you value your gaming skills way too highly to call anyone bad. This community is not the shining point of gaming skill.

Asmongold takes I don’t agree with some. Others I do.

However, at least he explains his logic and reason. That is more than I can say for most of you.

Asmongold is like Chappelle, He is no longer funny nor has anything of value to say. He used to, a long time ago when he stayed in his lane. Now he thirst chases anything that will keep him relevant .

Not really relevant. Many of us have been, myself included.

Fanboyism again. And no, he’s not.

You value his way too highly and are calling everyone else bad because of that.

Care to quote anyone that said it is?

It’s not my job to explain anything. And he does a poor job of explaining his views.

Blizzard Forum posters try to think critically challenge level: impossible

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Again, to call his skills bad means that you think he is below what most gamers are that play Blizzard games.

I don’t like or dislike asmongold. I don’t know him to make said judgement.

However, to call his gaming skills bad shows you lack a level of self awareness. Lets see how well you do in gaming keeping up with chat, being silly. Even pros have fail moments because of streaming. Even shroud has look bad before.

Asmongold is able to be above avg, while streaming and being part of his community.

You can dislike his takes, but none of you know him, and to call him bad at gaming shows a level of stupidity that is not needed. So questioning his gaming skills was stupid.

You can debate his points, but that would be too hard for most of you.

Nah people just hate him online and here because hes not 100% left leaning 100% of the time.

Dude is gross, wont lie, but gross basement dwellers are the people who make good games. Just look at old blizzard and new blizzard.

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regarding what?

like, theres some stuff i definitely dont agree with him on, and theres some stuff he’s pretty good at pointing out, like, what exactly did he say that the devs, or anyone shouldnt listen to?

is it the “dont cater the game to the .1% that play 100 hours a week to make content” or is it some other hottake that asmon always has on a variety of issues. i hardly believe that you can disagree with someone on EVERYTHING.

Um… no. That’s not the metric I use. You can objectively look at someone and know they’re bad at a game without comparing them to other people. Well, most people can. You’re not doing that, so I don’t know if you can.

I would say I’d like to know the mental gymnastics you used to come to this conclusion, but I don’t actually care that much. You’re just wrong.

We get it, you’re a massive Asmongold fan. You can claim you’re not, but you keep proving you are.

I don’t know Hollywood celebs and I can call out their crap, too.

You keep repeating that calling him bad must mean the people saying it are bad. Repeating something that’s wrong doesn’t magically make it right.

No thanks. That’s not part of this topic. It’s not hard, it’s just not part of the topic.

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So in other words. You don’t want to listen to him because you think he is bad at games, and can’t debate anything he says because “reasons”

Kid, that is not how the world works, or should work. You might get this community who is filled with dumb takes like you to agree with you. However, asmongold does well for how long he streams, and all the other things he does while playing.

You on the other hand, don’t have such credit. So you calling his skills bad when we can’t compare yours and his. I am willing to bet he is better than you, just because of how stupid your thread is.

The mental gymnastics you display are gold level.
1- He’s not here to debate. So I wouldn’t be debating him in this thread.
2 - It’s because I have listened to him that I say he doesn’t know what he’s talking about.
3 - How you managed to twist everything in your head to think it’s because he’s bad at games is the reason I say he doesn’t know what he’s talking about is just… how?

Then you resort to insults, calling me “kid”. You’re resorting to insults because you have no argument. You don’t get to tell others how anything works when you’re twisting things like you’ve done, showing you can’t understand how things works.

Be mad all you want.

It is not a insult. You are acting childish. You made a thread, and offer nothing other than call his skills out.

It is easy to call someone else out when you hide your own skills.

Second, you could tell us what he said that got you to disagree with him, and why he is wrong. That would be a better thread.

Your thread is, we should not listen to him because he is bad at games. That is not a good reason.

So do you admit this thread was stupid and childish?

Peeps think u need to go thru some kind of test, competition to be a streamer, its just a bunch of dudes that barely know what they are doing.

The amount of pseudo pro expert streamers in the past 2 yrs that fail horribly at basics in games, is insane.

What is even crazier is how many people do not realize all the bad stuff streamers talk about a game, is them being butthurt, because if failing on your own makes you feel incompetent, try failing in front of hundreds of viewers.

Bad players looking for excuses to convince us and themselves that its the games fault they are failing, not there own.

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That’s the best part of most of the “pro streamers”. It’s not that they can’t play. It’s because class X with spec Y doesn’t work without comp Z and gear set 42! They don’t suck it’s the game! Then the masses don’t play class X with spec Y “it’s just bad, you need to play like this”. Eventually someone plays X with Y and just blows up the game and those first streamers now have to come up with more excuses and they release a big click baity video about “X SPEC Y BUFFED! NOW GOD TIER!” even though nothing has changed in game.

Never forget rules 2 and 3:

Your right we are doing so much better now. If COVID didn’t happen and the spread was not his fault we were on top. How are we better on any major issue since he left? Wars, unemployment, inflation? Wanting to have good credit scores fund bad ones while leaving high credit scores alone. You know the good credit scores are the middle class that needs to be the largest for any successful society.

Asmongold tried to beat me up one time at the grocery store after I insulted his DPS… It was really sad, I didn’t even have to fight back. He kept wailing on me screaming about “leverage” and “genetics” and I kept laughing at his futile strikes until the store security came and broke up the “fight”. I think he broke his hand or something because he was crying afterwords.