Please god do not listen to Asmongold

He is bad at video games and does not speak for even a fraction of the playerbase.


But he’s our Lord and Savior, why wouldn’t we listen to his all-mighty-baldness?


More like Asmoncopper. His entire schtick is causing controversy. Anyone worth their salt make up their own mind about stuff.


because 99% of his takes are utter garbage


Popped in his alt stream last night because someone was posting that he wanted everything changed to see how good he was at the game. Normally wouldn’t give him clicks, but I don’t think he makes any money on that stream. He was absolutely terrible at the game. They better not listen to him.


In all seriousness I do enjoy Azmongold as an entertainer but you really need to remember the “entertainer” part when dealing with any of the streamers, its best not to take everything they say as gospel.


i already know asmongold’s opinions are worthless, the guy is a wow gamer and thinks every game sucks besides wow.

i think every game, is better than wow… so ya i dont give a damn what he thinks.

he’s also an ego maniac where if you disagree with him, you’re put in jail


He doesn’t care about the game at it’s core. He only cares for aspects of the game that would benefit his stream.
But irrelevant.


if you like streaming as content, kick dot com streamers are way more entertaining than twitch… especially during late hours

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Asmongolds ego is bigger than earth itself. No way would I listen to a streamer who makes money off controversy.

Him or his cuck friend mconnell

Edit: all he does is tip toe into games complain make money and move on. Hes a tourist


I hope this community rejects asmon, so he run with his tail between his legs back to classic WoW.


i know he is garbage at video games.
in WoW getting carried to gladiator every season
allso he never raided mythic tier,
litelar trash at the other games too

allso, as a person he is awful irl, living conditions ? like a homeless in crack house
he got hes wealth off stupid people and kids who follow him

so yeah, dont worry about me, i dont listen to what asmongold says


Honestly streamers just need to go away. I never understood the appeal of watching someone else play a game and complain like they represent the entire community


I mean I come from WoW, but you ain’t getting rid of my crappy batum.

IRL streaming is better than game streaming, try kick dot com during late hours, theres a lot of them browsing india around 12am-1am to 10am at the moment (edit: new york time btw), its far more interesting in my opinion… there’s some in thailand too

He’s actually surprisingly very good at games in general. He isn’t an esports pro or anything but he has some solid points and feedback. He just acts like a complete goof on his stream at times.


as long as you are not a DF fan and can un program your WoW brain as I did we can be friends.

I have watched asmon enough to have the strong opinions I do, i do not blame him for being rich good for him.

People should not validate that terrible human being.

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Well I played DF for first half of the first patch, I thought it was a step up over last few xpacs but then I ahh for the first time in like 10 years (after literally playing 12-16 hours a day, 7 days a week) stopped playing and let my WoW Sub expire. I dunno maybe I’m burnt out but I just don’t feel the WoW craze like I used too.

But Diablo 4 has converted me to a full-time ARPG player now so let the good times roll.

Streamers in general are ridiculous. Watching a streamer even more so. The 2 cannot live without each other, and I have no idea why either one exists.

The only reason for streamers I’ve ever watched or seen, is when you go looking for some research about a game or difficult mechanics. Why people crave their opinions… I have no idea.


hell yeah, i got aotc i came back from legion. WoW is not the wow i remember I to let my sub expire and I will not return

wish you well in your hunting