Please god do not listen to Asmongold

Or his hair–have you seen it? You can squeeze crisco out of it.

I don’t think people cite him being casual as a reason not to listen to him. I think his repugnant attitude, baseless comments, and the sheer amount of time he’s just incorrect about things justifies not listening to him.

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It is not because hes a casual it is because he is a jacka$&

Asmon literally makes wild claims about groups of people with no context or even knowing a person.

He never leaves his house, lives on the internet taking his word as gospel is foolish

He is a degenerate he himself has said this, and his people are likely degenerates… likely

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Whether he is or isn’t a degenerate–we can’t trust his word on this. BUT what we can trust is that, he had got to be an Incel. Nobody can be as offputting as he is and combine it with the blackheads and “teeth” he has and not be.

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Unlike what he says and what he thinks people “think” I do not judge him by his appearance people really cannot help how they are born to look. Yeah we can polish up sure, but I watched alot of his videos and sure sometimes, albeit rare he has a decent well thought out take.

Most of the time hes just a judgmental prick with no clue how people really are because he lives in his house 24/7. I judge him based on that.

After reading through a lot of the replies on this thread, I think all of y’all need to go outside and touch grass.

Edit: Seriously. Y’all are just as bad as he is.

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I came to the same conclusion when I started seeing people winge about Fox News, CNN and start showing first signs of Trump Derangement Syndrome.

They make the random guy in the loonie bin look reasonable.

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As i’m getting older, sometimes i just don’t have the patience for some video games anymore, so I like to watch others play

Kinda like a…peeping tom? Just kidding my friend… lol

Which is exactly why the OP said please don’t listen to him.

I think people just want this game to do well and enjoy it. Streamers somehow were given a larger voice than actual gamers. I’d like to see that completely reversed. The consumer is the voice companies need to listen to.

I’ve learnt a lot from streamers like Wudijo and Steelmage and Mattjestic. Just have to be picky. Asmon is a joke character, he can be fun to watch, for some, but no use if you are actually wanting anything productive.

Tbh I always take streamer’s gaming contents with a pinch of salt.
There are some good content by other streamers out there so no worries, I sure the majority of the playerbase will be smart enough which streamer to listen to.

Why the sudden hate on single guy? Is this some Cancel Culture organised campaign? Like there are no other streamers with opinions. I know some devs hate Asmon. This thread should be removed long time ago.

I don’t even know his exact opinions on game but everyone has right to share them. As I thought these are just toxic insults and lies against him.


Asmon has it right. You do not.

I’m pretty split on his takes. Agree with a bunch, but also disagree with a bunch. He speaks a lot for the extremely casual crowd that doesn’t enjoy challenging content, which I feel like games do need to appease to that crowd and give meaningful content to them as well.

But I also think he’s so far out of touch with any form of competitive play within games, as he’s become more of a variety streamer now, and plays the games at a base level and moves onto the next. He’s nowhere near the gamer he used to be, which makes sense he’s more about entertaining an audience for a living, and there’s nothing wrong with that and his priorities shifting to what people want to see.

Dissing video games seems to be his thing.
Another d2 streamer trashes everything d4 ,if people walk away from d2 and move over to d4 there is a problem for him must be on his mind.

It’s their bread and butter ,they all pay their rent from streaming and Asmongold is a millionaire.
Objective opinions don’t seem to exist for them and that’s perhaps understandable…

really struck a nerve, huh? sorry I insulted your bald god.

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Yeah, Some of them even made lies just to degrade him. I wonder who is even worse in people here. A liar or someone who streams and gave his thought.

I’ll attempt to weave through the nuance here: It’s not necessary to hate on the guy himself. Asmon is fine. But he has a lot of influence, and the point of this thread is to try to make it clear that he does not speak for all of us.

I disagree with his most recent takes and think if they swayed in that direction it would ruin the reasons I want to play this game in the first place. I’m definitely not alone (hence this thread existing).

I also can’t stand Asmongold’s eyebrows when he talks, they drive me insane. It makes him look so fake and manufactured in his expressions.