Please god do not listen to Asmongold

They represent the people that watch them.

:raised_hand: :face_with_raised_eyebrow: What is this new stuff?

That literally doesn’t matter. That still means over 50% of the population is worst at the game is than he is – and probably has an even more negative sentiment towards it.

Not that any of that even matters.

The only thing that is relevant here is that he has a huge following, and he’s entitled to an opinion – regardless of what it is. More importantly – that’s pretty much all he does for content nowadays, is play video games and share his opinions. If people didn’t like his commentary they wouldn’t watch his content. Yet he’s still one of the biggest content creators. You don’t have to like him, or his opinions. Doesn’t change that a ridiculous number of people agree with him.

What I find really entertaining about this thread and the forums in general, is that there are a bunch of people who seem to think that if you don’t like something – it’s because you’re bad… and that somehow if you’re bad at something that your opinion on the matter is null and void…

So… like if someone is stuck on content… and they just can’t beat it – right? Like… you can say “Oh, if you do this instead, it’s super easy.” Then the person goes back, redoes it the way you suggested and beats it… and they’re like “Oh… yeah that was way easier. I still didn’t enjoy it.”

Like… how are people gonna be like “don’t listen to that guy he’s bad.”

You can’t really tell someone else how to have fun. It’s something they have to find for themselves. It’s purely subjective and there is no right or wrong, there is only feedback.

If the developers have even the slightest iota of brainpower, they’ll treat every drop of feedback they get like liquid gold. Regardless of if it’s positive of negative.


Neither of those takes are true.

Melee feels fine, in fact it was pretty necessary for world boss

There are always classes and builds that scale differently and are weaker or stronger at low lvls.

Rax critized second strafe build on beta before last season and they removed it on his feedback and made totally crappy one with traps. That strafe build was so cool and its gone. Iam not even fan of D3 i play few days every season only.

Asmongold is fine he provide good feedback, he is experienced player, playing games is living for him so he is decent.

Where are all the haters coming from? Are you jelous on his money or fame? DO you have some really crappy job that you hate and you cant stand Asmongold make milions on work which is fun for him? You all are just ppl who got banned for nonsense so you hate on him now lol.

Anyway Rhyker is for example really annoying, its yes man for Blizard he will never critize anything from Blizzard, Asmongold speak his mind he is not shill like Rhyker. I like Asmongold for his honest opinions and I hate Rhyker for political corectnes.


At least he has a clean dick.


Heavy crude oil isn’t typically used for energy (gasoline, diesel or aircraft fuel) its used for the production of feedstocks for plastics, lubricants, petrochemical and asphalt it can also be refined into fuels but typically with an abundance of WTI with an API+40 its generally considered inefficient.

Game didn’t need another same build.

Yeah this thread is great. Can it get removed already?

:rofl: :joy: :rofl: :rofl: :joy: :rofl: :joy: :rofl: :joy: :rofl: :joy:

How can anyone be this wrong…

Nah, if they had any brain power they would laugh at the so called feedback and ignore it.

This is why we don’t have nice things.

Because as I said 50% hell 75% of the WOW player base doesn’t play 100+ hours a week its like comparing an average professional MMA fighter to a guy who’s been in a few fights in their life then steps in to a ring, it ain’t going to end well. But let that average fighter take on an above average fighter and the script is flipped.

When you base your analogy on uninformed reactionary conclusions it is a sign of being bad. Are you familiar with the Dunning-Kruger Effect? Here’s a synopsis.
The Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias whereby people with low ability, expertise, or experience regarding a certain type of task or area of knowledge tend to overestimate their ability or knowledge.

That is exactly what the term “influencer” implies he tells his followers exactly how he’s not having fun and how bad the game is. Its a role reversal taking the onus from the person and putting it on the game the implication being that you’re bad for playing a bad game.

Thats not how it works you have to have filters there is such a thing as useless feedback its neither constructively positive or negative this is exactly what his D4 beta video illustrated.

one day, just maybe, you’ll learn to think for yourself

It’s actually funny that you bring up the dunning-kruger effect.

Like for example – some random guy on a forum saying that Asmongold, a professional streamer who plays games for a living, is bad and doesn’t know what he’s talking about – despite having thousands of hours of relevant experience – which in most cases quite literally makes you an expert at something.

The sheer audacity is astounding. Might as well be auditioning to be the mascot for the Dunning-Kruger effect.

You can’t conflate an opinion as a skill issue unless you believe the other person to be inferior to you and your ability. If we approach each other as peers on the same level, and we disagree on something – then we have a difference of opinions. But that’s not what you’re saying.

So to know nothing about a person and assume they are unskilled based on an opinion – you’re insinuating that the person notably less skilled than you are.

To know that someone has made a career out of something, and to still assert that they are inferior to you – someone who is not skilled enough to make a career out of playing games… I don’t think you could get a better example of the Dunning Kruger effect.

Statistically speaking, we’re all reasonably near average - and the difference between our skill level in that case would be barely measurable. You aren’t going to see dramatic differences in raw skill at anything until you start getting into the upper upper percentiles. Let’s stick with the MMA example. Someone with a 25:25 record in MMA could beat someone with a 35:15 record. Not likely – but it’s not out of the question. Someone with a 25:25 record beating someone with a 48:0 record would take an act of god.

Considering the curve and how skill gaps range from basically negligible for most of the curve to insurmountable at the tail end…

Calling someone bad implies that the delta between you and the person you’re referring to is significant. (Unless of course you state ahead of time that you’re equally bad.) So either you’re inflating your own ability to a ridiculous margin, or your deflating the value of the person you’re calling bad by a ridiculous margin.

In most cases calling someone bad isn’t constructive criticism or a valid reason to justify diminishing their opinion… It’s just an attempt to assert that you’re better than they are and attempt to get under their skin. It’s not rooted in logic.

If anything in demonstrates a lack of the ability to articulate a real reason why their opinion might be rooted in something flawed. Or – in most cases you just have different opinions on what you enjoy.

And considering that we live in a reality that is as far as we can tell governed by cause and effect – if someone has an experience that leads to a negative opinion – it is worth the developers time if it is a common opinion, because it likely means that there is a root cause that could be addressed to keep their vision and reduce friction players are having to share the experience the developers are hoping to create.


lol do people hate Asmongold this much to make threads about not listening to him?


All in a 24 hour period>

Reddit: “Do not listen to Asmongold”
D4 Forums : “Do not listen to Asmongold”

In around that time frame, Asmon gives his views on Necro micro management being anti-fun and someone recently made a video on him regarding his views towards fat and ugly people and how people try not to look at them.

This is basically a sudden knee jerk reaction from the carebear under 23 year olds who have extremely fragile and over caring feelings, that are also completely misinterpreting his views on Necro.

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Its just the way it is

Why? Because he has valid points you don’t like? I don’t care if he’s good or not at games. When he makes sense, he makes sense. When he doesn’t, he doesn’t. His voice is no less important because he’s a casual.

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He live right now talking about D4 haha