Please god do not listen to Asmongold

Agree, reason why I just don’t play melee.

I am not sure how to fix the issue without redesigning bosses. Or just give barbs a easier way to stick on bosses. Even that not sure.

I think they were on the right track giving them 10% innate damage reduction, but if they can’t “stand in bad” to build rage maybe they need to jack it up. Give them a straight damage reduction buff against puddles / AoE, perhaps.

Yes, actually that is true.

He’s actually quiet correct on Necro, it has been severely nerf and needs a boost. And it will get a boost.

Wrong. America never has been, and never will be, energy independent. Lame talking point.

Syria would like to have a word with you.

I have yet to find a pool of bad larger than the mob hitbox + weapon reach Ashava’s hitbox is so large you can literally hit her from the furthest point of the pools radius.

The term energy independence is an ambiguous concept without a clear economic or technical definition. While the exact meaning of the term is contested, energy independence generally refers to a country’s ability to rely solely on domestically produced energy.

One way to measure whether the US has reached that point is by seeing whether the US exports more energy products than it imports. By this metric, the US achieved energy independence in 2019.

Not all of them, sadly its the toxic ones who want to be negative about everything or the uber lazy buttholes that put zero effort into making their own content and just “react” aka crap all over other gamers/CC’s quality content that is both well thought out and produced, that make it big.

It’s said in life that cream riseses to the top, well, in the streamer world, it seems to be that only **** floats to surface. . .

That is something I haven’t liked about Asmo for a while, he will “react” to these incredibly well thought out and produced videos that other creators made and put hours of time into, just to tear them down or twist their content bec he is too lazy to make his own.

Then again, what do you expect from someone that probably has his moms skeleton propped up in a rocking chair in his basement. . .

Natural gas, yes. Crude oil, no. As you said it is an ambiguous term. The only way America would ever be truly ‘energy independent’ is to nationalize the fossil fuels industry and we know that ain’t gonna happen. Remember - America doesn’t have any oil. You and I do not have any oil. Exxon/Mobil has oil. Shell has oil. BP has oil. Chevron has oil. America? None. And they will sell their oil where they please, for the highest profit for them, regardless of what it means for our independence and national security.

First off – Asmongold is probably better than your average player at literally every game he plays.

A lot of streamers intentionally play poorly sometimes because there is always that one mouthbreathing neck beard who will stop what they’re doing to interact with their videos/stream to call them an idiot for doing something wrong.

They all make the same stupid expression like “what am I doing wrong guys??” They’re not that stupid. It’s for content.

He’s not a bad person IRL, he’s actually pretty middle of the road on a lot of his takes. He frequently reigns his own chat in because his chat is full of complete degenerates – and if you follow his content clearly cares a great deal about his family.

I don’t agree with a lot of his takes – but don’t come in here and act like he’s a bad person or like he’s not good at video games because he had an opinion – even if it is carefully crafted while he’s reading his twitch chat as if his brain is literally taking an average of positive and negative sentiment based on what just happened so he can say on average what his twitch chat is saying on average.

He’s probably one of the biggest names in the gaming content creation space, and he got there because he’s exceptional at entertainment, appealing to his target audience and he’s careful not to take any stances that alienate too many people.

If anything – he’s got a massive following because he isn’t an outlier. For a lot of people, he’s just like they are and that’s why they love him so much.


Talk about dissing low hanging fruit. Dontheclown didnt even touch the Skeleton Warrior/ Mages mastery. And what is up with that horrendous dps/ gear? And he thinks its decent? Yikes.

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Peace in the middle east is an exclusive one that is solely defined as a Palestinian (Arabs) -Israeli issue credited by Golda Meir. A Syrian civil war has nothing to do with “peace in the middle east”.

get your facts out of here, we are a rage forum… I mean a Diablo forum Kap

He is a terrible gamer but then again most major twitch users are. They’re only notorious for their style. Or in the case of females, for less moral reasons.

The waifu and lalafell community? It would be a badge of honor and sign of good health to be rejected by them :sweat_smile:

Atm, the userbase of this forum is FAR too young to have an experienced opinion, it’s actually concerning to see so much yearn to get their little vent out about 1 man who simply garners a decent following from just simply being a fan of gaming.

Please mods delete this hate thread. Everyone has the right to give feedback on game. Don’t turn these forums into some cancel culture raiding celebrities crap.


Well the average player has a full time job that isn’t playing video games all day for a job since he was 12 but let him play against a slightly above average player and his ability diminishes. Back in the early days of WOW when he first posted some videos on weapon rotations it was clear he was just an average WOW player that rode on the coattails of the guild he was in that and his pocket paladin.

And we have the right to give feedback on his uninformed hot takes you see how this works?

Can you explain more ?

Most I see are insults and making fun of him. Hard to call this feedback. Also so what he’s bad at the game. Probably better than you anyway. Only pro gamer voice matters? Casuals play the game too. You would complain just the same if devs would limit to pro gamers only and make game based on that. Happens with esport titles.

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