Please give us a auction house

It’s exactly like when your parents told you to look both ways before crossing the street. If you were a little kid and ignored your parent you got run over by a car. The D3 AH’s (gold and real money) were a disaster and when they got rid of it the game improved tremendously. An AH would effect “everyone” for the worst. People who played D3 have tried to warn you but none of you will listen.

Nobody who is arguing for an AH is addressing the reasons why they failed in D3. Nobody… Blizzard will “never” bring back an AH unless those reasons are resolved but none of you are talking about how that can be done.

Facts: Both the RMAH and the Gold AH were flooded with duplicated (counterfeit) gear and gold. Blizzard was forced to reduce the drop rates of good gear and gold to compensate so the only way to get gear was on the AH. Prices was so high you either had to buy the gear with real money or buy gold with real money.

Blizzard does not want to repeat those mistakes. It doesn’t matter what people who want to trade think…

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hahaha and this one who speaks for the company. And if I tell you that they are working on an auction system how would you take it would you leave the game ? xD.

Blizzard will put the auction sooner or later that is more than clear.
Go ask for an offline game mode if you are so affected by a trade with auction system.

Mother mia the examples you give in each post I don’t know if you take them seriously or if you have a problem.

You dont have to use AH if you dont like it. Why does it bother you if you are not interested?) :wink:


No thanks we had an auction house in d3 and it was a disaster.


How to tell someone you didnt play D3 Vanilla without telling them you didnt play D3 Vanilla


I was against this in the past but Im on board now.

Items bind would solve alot.

99% items are tradable yet we rely on trash 3rd party websites with 90% fake sellers, scammers, ect. Automated AH would solve much of the terrible trade experience.

I cover it here.

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You could still kill demons while others enjoy the trade side of the game. One does not preclude the other.

It really does. If you were around of D3 you couldnt progress in inferno unless you played trade sim 80% of the time, or pulled out your credit card. Id prefer not to go back to that.


As someone who played D3 SFF when it came out, I can confirm this. I got hard stuck at the beginning of Inferno difficulty. (I don’t think I could get past Cathedral 1.) I’d log in and farm for a bit in Act 4 Hell and come out of it with no progress. Eventually, I just gave up entirely and moved on.


Yeah A3 was a brick wall without playing trade sim. It was aweful. I spent more time trading then actually playing the game to get the needed gear to beat inferno.

If they add a AH it will be the same thing because they will force you to engage with it to progress.


i am a little tired of people mention D3, without ever mentioning how different loot drop rate and itemization was.

D3 at launch had a decent amount of drops, and the itemization was absolute trash. The hope of getting a good item was basically 0.

This is NOT THE CASE HERE. You can get a decent item, maybe not 3GA, but a pretty decent item easily on your own. You will have zero issue clearing majority of the content here. IT WAS NOT THE CASE IN D3.

people were hard stuck at inferno pre nerf due to garbage itemization, so they have to play the AH game, it is different right now.


Year + away to any type of in game system. Devs did a total 180 on even allowing trading. Cant even imagine how they code an AH like stash tab when they already have issues with simple tabs.

we had an auction house and it failed…

also blizz made me change my name from StormyDaniel to MelaniaTrump so they dont know anything

For now but should an AH be introduced things will get 1000% worse because they will want you to interact with it to fill some check box on a metrics.

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yeah but why did they change my name from StormyDaniel???

what you said made no sense at all, what metric?

and like i said, it wouldnt change much except now it is now official.

we no longer have to use a third party site, nothing is going to change

if you dont trade now, you wont

and if you do trade now, you can now do it in game

Blizzard and most online games are run off metrics. How long ppl are on, what systems are being engaged, how long someone does X activity.

All decisions are made off those metrics. If they can turn it into a trade sim to force additional interactions they will do that.

Yes D3 had horrible itemization… i mean IK armor rolling int lol…

They would change the way loot drops to force people to engage with it.

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The problem was this ah had a built in real money cash out built in.

A.normal ah like wow would be fine, sure there’s still going to be cash sales. But that’s in every game.

An ah is neither good or bad just another form of trade.

Gold sellers/.real money transactions will find an angle no matter what way they swing it.

For example I only have to look up Diablo 4 on Aussie eBay and the sellers are everywhere, offering boosts and mats for money.

What we need from AH is the desired item!

How AH should be working:
On purchase item becomes account bound

Optionally they can implement system where you cant buy right away but need your bid wins during some time interval

I don’t though. I want to PLAY with other people, not necessarily TRADE with other people. And like I said, there is no trader class. You can’t play a merchant. Those are all NPCs. That is not my doing, but I am fine with it.

If you think someone selling an item for a billion gold is not already a broken system, I don’t know what to tell you. You expand that market, and it will just get worse. And that will affect everyone.

Here is an analogy: NFL players make millions of dollars every year because TV contracts for the NFL are worth billions. But all of us pay for those contracts, even if we are not football fans because every product we buy is advertised on NFL games. So in the end, even if we do not want to participate, we participate.

That is what expanded trading will do to this game. It has done it to other games in the past. It will do it to this one if allowed.