Please give us a auction house

For now but should an AH be introduced things will get 1000% worse because they will want you to interact with it to fill some check box on a metrics.

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yeah but why did they change my name from StormyDaniel???

what you said made no sense at all, what metric?

and like i said, it wouldnt change much except now it is now official.

we no longer have to use a third party site, nothing is going to change

if you dont trade now, you wont

and if you do trade now, you can now do it in game

Blizzard and most online games are run off metrics. How long ppl are on, what systems are being engaged, how long someone does X activity.

All decisions are made off those metrics. If they can turn it into a trade sim to force additional interactions they will do that.

Yes D3 had horrible itemization… i mean IK armor rolling int lol…

They would change the way loot drops to force people to engage with it.

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The problem was this ah had a built in real money cash out built in.

A.normal ah like wow would be fine, sure there’s still going to be cash sales. But that’s in every game.

An ah is neither good or bad just another form of trade.

Gold sellers/.real money transactions will find an angle no matter what way they swing it.

For example I only have to look up Diablo 4 on Aussie eBay and the sellers are everywhere, offering boosts and mats for money.

What we need from AH is the desired item!

How AH should be working:
On purchase item becomes account bound

Optionally they can implement system where you cant buy right away but need your bid wins during some time interval

I don’t though. I want to PLAY with other people, not necessarily TRADE with other people. And like I said, there is no trader class. You can’t play a merchant. Those are all NPCs. That is not my doing, but I am fine with it.

If you think someone selling an item for a billion gold is not already a broken system, I don’t know what to tell you. You expand that market, and it will just get worse. And that will affect everyone.

Here is an analogy: NFL players make millions of dollars every year because TV contracts for the NFL are worth billions. But all of us pay for those contracts, even if we are not football fans because every product we buy is advertised on NFL games. So in the end, even if we do not want to participate, we participate.

That is what expanded trading will do to this game. It has done it to other games in the past. It will do it to this one if allowed.

It was awesome in the early days, but then came the bots.

I think people are just parroting each other when they say that D3 auction house was a disaster. I loved the AH in D3, but the “real money” part was a bit too much.

With Urza’s suggestion about account bound items AH would be a nice addition to D4.


I hate to break it to you, but people farming higher tiers haven’t gotten the gear themselves…

They will never do it even though its obvious we need one. Too many filthy casuals want the game to be solo self found because they need everyone else to play the game like they do to have fun

And that’s different over getting a 3xGA item with appropriate affixes in D4…? :thinking::thinking::thinking:

People getting hard stopped at Pits 61 is different than D3 Vanilla Inferno…? :thinking::thinking::thinking:

AND… you’re all expecting Blizzard to put in an AH - how will they sort loot if they can’t even put in a loot filter as it is???

I think this is the point people are missing. The reason D3 itemization was so bad it because of the AH (both the gold and real money.) If item drops were good and there was a very low friction way to trade (AH) then people would finish their characters too quickly. In a world of metrics, the big bosses wouldn’t allow it.

Not to mention that it would eventually lead to a “Diablo Token” as a way to mitigate RMT (if they were willing to add it to Classic WoW, don’t think D4 is safe) and we’re back to a defacto real money AH.

Because of all this, I really feel that the current friction involved in trading is honestly good for the game overall.

actually, yeah? its so much easier to get 3x GA with correct affixes than actual god tier item at d3 launch pre nerfed.

If you choose meta build, 61 is a joke. If you still cant beat 61 with meta build thats on you, skill issues. Vanilla inferno was a totally different beast, you can pick the most meta build and theres still only a few people who got it done so yeah.

They have a very robust AH on wow already, you dont even have to design everything again, just copy the whole design over and fine tune the search a bit, thats it. Trust me if they want to do it, it wont be that difficult, if…they want to do it that is.

this is why d3 vanilla was trash, and they had to revamp the whole loot system so people would come back…

the game practically died before they revamp it, no one can farm d3 12 hours a day except a selected few.

If it can be implemented in a way that RMT doesn’t utterly destroy it would be interesting.

Thats not entirely true. I do have friends pushing 120+ who found their own gear. Streamers on the other hand are chairty cases because people just give them things in a weird sudo-friendship while they are being monitozed off of. Yes since blizz opened up trading im sure there are credit card warriors but I also believe wanabe credit card warriors are the ones :sob: the most on rolling suboptimal gear.

Exactly. I dont have an issue with trading but at the same time I dont want to play trade simulator. If people truely believe an AH wouldnt result in horrible itemization or RNG they dont understand the way these systems impact overall gameplay. Admitted LE did have a good solution with the factions but that was one of the only things LE did better.

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Only solution is to account bound all items except a time limit to share when the item dropped in the same party like D3 had.

Promoting botting for gears with strict banwaves is way more appealing than trade simulation 3rd party websites and heavily inflated and non monitored market that feeds no other than greedy workshops which 24/7 botted the gears anyway.

Yet another Gimmee an Auction House post. The thing is if Blizzard were to sell say Sparks on the cash shop, People would cry and whine claiming it’s pay to win. However if it’s a third party sight selling sparks, then i guess that is ok? The way i see it, if people want to so despertly buy items instead of playing the game, Then Blizzard should be the one who sells the items.

okay well then the company is failing. U can either have pure solo self found or trading but you cant do trading without a real way to trade

For what is worth I think something like LE has is likely the best.

I would suggest having an AH but locking it behind lvl 100 and you need to actually do high level content like high pits, increasing with dificulty, and such to get a special resource that would be needed to do trades on the AH, rarer items would cost more of this resource.